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Unit 5. About demand and supply

II. Problem pairs. 1-а) subsidy; b) subsidiary; 2-а) politics; b) policy;

3 - a) complementary; b) complimentary; 4-а) note; b) notice; 5-а) morale; b) moral;

6-а) security; b) safety; 7-а) travel; b) trip.

III. 1 - k; 2 - e; 3 - a; 4 - i; 5 - g; 6 - j; 7 - m; 8 - c; 9 -1; 10 - f; 11 - n; 12 - b; 13 - d; 14 - h; 15-r;16-o;17-q;18-p.

IV boost - stimulate; excess - surplus; lower - reduce; companies - firms; expenditure -
spending; output - production; costs - expenses; flexible - variable; error - mistake;
increase - raise.

V boom - depression; consuming - saving; cut - increase; demand - supply; buoyant -
sluggish; contraction - growth; deflate - stimulate; flexible - rigid.

UNIT 6. INCOME V Numbers.
AND ITS 1. twelve thousand four hundred and
  2. one million one thousand one hundred and eleven
  3. 4. 5. twenty-one point one five point nought nought two or zero two hundredths
  6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. one quarter/ a quarter one half/ a half one third/ a third 1,754,321 1,000,000,000

12. 3,402

13. 199.999999... or 199.(9)


15. 1.8

16. (12x8) = 96

17. (38 x 2) = 76

18. (144:12) = 12

19. (100: 5) = 20

20. (8 x 50,000) = 400,000

21. (3 x 1,500,000) = 4,500,000



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