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Glossary of banking and stock exchange terms

actuary A person employed by an insurance company to evaluate statistics and calculate premium rates for life assurance. - актуарій
affidavit A sworn statement used as evidence in a legal proceedings. - письмове свідчення під присягою, афідевіт
annual inflation The yearly amount of inflation. - річна інфляція
annual percentage rate The yearly interest rate on consumer lending. - річна процентна ставка
annual report The yearly report of a bank or entity's financial performance, prepared for the shareholders. - річний звіт
applicant The party which applies for a letter of credit to be opened. - заявник
assurance Is a system under which in return for paying premiums you are assured a sum of money either when you reach a certain age or on death. - страхування життя
auditing The process of external reporting which confirms that a company's financial statements are true and fair. - аудит
backed by Financed by. - фінансуватися
backer A person who provides finance for a venture. - спонсор, поручитель
balance of payments A statement of the country's transactions abroad - the inflow of money through exporting goods and services and the outflow through importing. - платіжний баланс
bank prime rate The best lending rate offered to special corporate clients - облікова ставка для першокласних грошових зобов'язань
bank run A sequence of withdrawals by depositors in reaction to speculation that a bank has problems. - "набіг на банк": низка надзвичайно великих вилучень коштів з рахунків у банку із побоювання, що банк може збанкрутувати


banking supervision The monitoring of bank activities by the central bank or monetary body. - банківський нагляд
bargain Any exchange transaction. No 'special price' is implied - торговельна угода
bankrupt Not having sufficient funds to cover one's obligations. E. g. The company was bankrupt. - банкрут
barter The system of exchanging goods for goods. - бартер
base currency The currency against which an FX dealer is trading. - базисна валюта
base rate The rate determined by each bank individually to which the interest rates it charges are linked. - базисна ставка
bear An investor who speculates that the market will drop in value and who therefore sells. - "ведмідь',' спекулянт, що грає на пониження
Bear Market A market in which 'bears' would prosper, that is, a falling market. - ринок, на якому спостерігається тенденція до зниження курсів
bear squeeze A situation in which the central bank influences the value of currency. - ситуація на ринку, коли "ведмеді" стикаються з підвищенням цін
bearer bonds Bonds which are not registered in the name of the holder and which can be transferred to another owner. - облігація на пред'явника
bearer stocks/ shares Securities for which no register of ownership is kept by the company. A bearer certificate has an intrinsic value. Dividends are not received automatically from the company, but must be claimed by removing and returning 'coupons' attached to the certificate. - акції на пред'явника
bearish Describing a market with a tendency to fall in value - бірж, що знижується
bed & breakfast Selling shares one day and buying them back the next, for tax purposes at the end of the financial year. - короткотермінова купівля-продаж акцій у податкових цілях
belly up To go bankrupt, to be insolvent. - збанкрутувати
beneficiary The person who receives payment. - бенефіціар, одержувач грошей за акредитивом
Big Bang (the) The reorganization of the London Stock Exchange on October 27,1986, in which fixed commissions were lifted and non-British traders were allowed to trade. - реорганізація 1986 р. Лондонської фондової біржі
big figure The first three digits of an FX quote. - цифра до десяткового знаку в котируванні цінного папера або перша цифра, яка зазвичай може бути опущена
bill A short term security issued by the government (Treasury bills), local authorities (local authority bills) and companies (commercial bills). - вексель
blue chip stocks High quality stocks with a low risk factor. Originally an American term, derived from the colour of the highest value poker chip. - акції, що приносять високі дивіденди
bond A certificate which represents a portion of a debt, a long-term security entitling the holder to a fixed rate of interest. - облігація
borrowings Loans - кредити
bottom line The final amount on a page. - підсумковий рядок рахунку прибутків та збитків у річному звіті


Bretton Woods system An international monetary system created in 1944 at a conference of 44 nations held in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire. At the conference both the IMF and the IBRD were created, as were fixed exchange rates, which existed until the 1970s. - Бреттон-Вудська валютна система
broker A person or organisation that trades in stocks and shares or insurance for others. - брокер, маклер, посередник, агент
bull An investor who speculates that the market will rise in value and buys shares. - спекулянт, що грає на підвищення
Bull Market One in which 'bulls' would prosper, that is a rising market. - ринок, на якому спостерігається тенденція до підвищення курсів
bullion Gold and silver in the form of bars or coins. - зливок золота або срібла
bullish Describing a market with a tendency to increase in value - що має тенденцію до підвищення
cable Dealer slang for sterling - to dollar rate. - курс фунта стерлінгів до долара СІЛА
capital The total value of a company's finance used in its operations. - капітал
capital markets The trading of investments such as stocks and shares. - ринок довготермінового позичкового капіталу
Certificate of Deposit A certificate which represents a deposit of funds in a bank. - депозитний сертифікат, вкладний сертифікат
Certificate of Inspection A document which confirms that the order conforms with the client's technical specifications. - акт огляду
Chinese Wall A barrier between two departments in a bank, in which certain information cannot be disclosed. - "китайська стіна','створення бар'єру між двома відділами для запобігання витокові інформації
claims Requests for payments by the insured under the terms of an insurance policy. A large part of an insurance company's business is its Claims Department. This is where claims for compensation are negotiated which involves officials visiting private homes, business premises etc. to assess damage. - вимога, претензія, позов
clearing The process of clearing cheques through the banking system. - кліринг чеків
codicil An appendix to a will which amends part of it. - додаткове розпорядження до заповіту
coinage Money made of metal units. - карбування монет
Commercial Invoice The invoice issued to the importer by the exporter. - комерційний рахунок-фактура
commission The fee that a member of the International Stock Exchange may charge clients for dealing on their behalf. - комісійні
common stock Stocks with voting rights but no fixed dividends. - звичайна акція
compensation Payment received by an insured party if goods are damaged in transit. - компенсація
comptroller's department The department which monitors the internal finances of a bank. - контрольно-ревізійний та бухгалтерський відділ
consanguinity A relationship by blood or birth which entitles a person to an inheritance. - єдинокровність, рідня


Contract Note On the same day as a bargain takes place a Member Firm must send to the client a Contract Note detailing the transaction, to include full title of the stock, price, Consideration, Stamp Duty (if applicable), etc. - договірна записка, контракт
convertible bonds Bonds which can be exchanged for shares. - конвертована облігація
corporate banking Banking services for companies and legal entities. - банківське обслуговування корпорацій
correspondent banking Reciprocal services provided by banks for other foreign banks in countries where they do not have branches. - банківська діяльність на основі кореспондентських взаємовідносин
cover The amount of money a company has available for distribution as dividend, divided by the amount actually paid, gives the number of times that the dividend is covered. - покриття, забезпечення
counterfeit Documents or banknotes which are false or forged. - фальшивий, підроблений
credit card A card used to make payments and to obtain credit for goods and services. - кредитна картка
credit-rating agency A company which provides ratings of the creditworthiness of countries and companies. - агентство кредитної інформації
cross rates The rates between two or more currencies - крос-курс (співвідношення двох валют, розраховане за їх курсом відносно курсу третьої валюти)
curb To reduce, to cut 1. стримувати, обмежувати; 2. амер. неофіційна фондова біржа
Curb Exchange Historical name of the American Stock Exchange (until 1953). - історична назва Американської фондової біржі до 1953 р.
current account balance The amount of funds held on a current account. - гроші на поточному рахунку
daylight overdraft limit A credit limit banks assign to their counterparts. - ліміт денного овердрафту
deal slip A ticket completed by the back office recording vital details of the deal. - бланк реєстрації угоди
dealer A bank employee who specialises in buying and selling securities or foreign currency on behalf of the bank. - дилер
debenture A loan raised by a company, paying a fixed rate of interest and secured on the assets of the company. - боргове зобов'язання, облігація
default The failure to repay a loan or to miss an instalment. - несплата, невиконання зобов'язань
deficit A minus figure on a trade balance, the opposite of surplus. - дефіцит
denominated Measured. E.g. The loan is denominated in sterling. - виражений
depreciation The gradual loss in value of an asset due to factors such as wear and tear. - зниження вартості, знецінювання
devaluation An adjustment by monetary authorities to lower the official exchange rate of a nation's currency in relation to a key world currency. - девальвація
dirty-float A situation in which a country's currency is supported by the central bank. - керований плаваючий курс
discount rate The lending rate given by central banks to commercial banks. - облікова ставка, ставка дисконту
dividend A payment made to shareholders. - дивіденд


documentary credit A credit issued upon presentation of a full set of trade finance documents. - документарний акредитив
draft A document which promises to pay the bearer a specific amount of money on a certain data. - тратта, переказний вексель
due date The value date, i.e. the date on which payment should be made. - термін погашення кредитного зобов'язання, термін платежу
duplicate A second copy of an original document. - дублікат
equity investment An investment in stocks and shares. - вкладення в акції
Electronic Bank Transfer Payments which are processed electronically without the need to produce paper vouchers. - електронний банківський переказ
Eurobonds Bonds issued in major European currencies by governments of large corporations. - еврооблігація
eurocurrency Currency lent outside its country of origin (e. g. Euro­dollar is a deposit in dollars outside the US). - евровалюта
executor The person who is nominated to administer a will or manage a portfolio. - виконувач заповіту
expenditure The amount of money a company spends in order to create its revenue. - витрати
expiry date The final date on which a document is valid. - закінчення терміну дії документа
feasibility study A report which presents the potential profitability of a project. - техніко-економічне обґрунтування проекту
fiduciary issue An issue of currency backed by a variety of investment instruments. - випуск банкнот, не забезпечених золотом; фідуціарна грошова емісія
fiscal Connected to tax. - фіскальний, фінансовий, бюджетний
fixed assets Assets which are used on a continuous basis, such as buildings and machinery. - основний капітал,основні засоби, основні фонди
flight capital The transfer of funds outside a country in response to speculation. - капітал, що вивозиться за кордон з порушенням законодавства
flotation The occasion on which a company's shares are offered on the market for the first time. - випуск нових облігацій на вільний ринок
fluctuate To change in value; to move up or down. - коливатися
Foreign Exchange Market A market where one currency is bought or sold against another. This does not take place in a central market place but totally by telephone calls between dealers. - валютний ринок
forged False, e.g. forged bank notes. - підроблений
forward contract A contract between two parties to exchange one currency for another at a specific future date. It protects the buyer against the risk of volatile currency rates. - форвардний контракт
FX reserves Foreign currency reserves. - валютні запаси, валютні резерви
gearing ratio A measurement of the amount by which a company is funded by loans which are backed by a bank. - співвідношення власних та позичених коштів банку
gilts/gilt-edged Fixed interest securities issued on behalf of the government to fund its spending. - першокласні цінні папери
Girobank Provides banking services at Post Office counters. - жиробанк
going public The process of selling a company's shares to the general public. - продаж населенню акцій компанії


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goodwill The non-tangible value of a company, such as its reputation, client contacts etc. - "гудвіл',' умовна оцінка нематеріальних активів (ділових зв'язків, репутації) фірми
guarantee A document in which a bank promises to pay if the client is unable to do so. - гарантія, поручительство
guarantor A person or bank which promises to pay in case of default by the borrower. - гарант, поручитель
hammering Announcement of the failure of a Member Firm of the International Stock Exchange. - офіційне оголошення про банкрутство
Health Certificate A document used in the transportation of foodstuffs, which confirms standards of hygiene. - карантинне свідоцтво
Incoterms A set of standard trade terms developed by the ICC (International Chamber of Commerce) which simplify trade finance documentation. - Міжнародні комерційні терміни
index-linked bond Bonds which have a value linked to the rate of inflation. - індексована облігація
indicators Key figures giving information about the economic climate of a country. - показник
inflation An increase in prices and a fall in the value of money. - інфляція
initial offer The first price at which shares are offered to the general public. - початкова пропозиція
Initial Public Offering The first offer of shares to the general public. - перший випуск акцій
insolvency The condition of being unable to pay one's financial obligations. - неплатоспроможність, припинення платежів
installment A portion of a loan paid at regular intervals. - внесок у рахунок оплати
insurance A contract to provide compensation for loss, damage or death in return for the payment of premiums. Insurance covers you against some event which might occur rather than a certainty. - страхування
Insurance Certificate A document which outlines full details of the goods insured; the cover and the conditions. - страхове свідоцтво
intaglio A technique of printing line-on top of each other used on banknotes for security purposes. - інталіо, глибокий друк
Interbank Market On which banks borrow and lend large sums of money amongst themselves. - ринок міжбанківських операцій
interest rate The amount of interest charged or added to an account. - процентна ставка
interim dividend A dividend declared part way through a company's financial year. - проміжний дивіденд
internal convertibility The situation in which a currency cannot be exchanged outside its country of origin. - оборотність валюти для внутрішніх держателів (резидентів)
intervention Direct central bank influence of the market. -інтервенція (операції центральних банків щодо дії на валютні курси їх валют чи на рівень їх валютних резервів)
intra-day limits Daily limits for interbank lending. - денний ліміт по валютних операціях
Irrevocable Letter of Credit A letter of credit which cannot be amended without the written consent of all parties. - безвідкличний акредитив
junk bond A bond with a low rating which is risky. - високодохідна, але ненадійна облігація


legal tender Money accepted in a country as the official currency. - законний засіб платежу
Letter of Credit A method of credit issued to exporters for their overseas customers. - акредитив
liabilities Obligations which are due for payment - зобов'язання
lien A creditor's claim against the property of a debtor to secure repayment of a debt. - право утримання майна за борги
liquid asset Short-term securities held by banks which can be quickly realised to meet demands for cash. - ліквідні активи
listed company A company that has obtained permission for its shares to be admitted to the International Stock Exchange's Official List. - компанія, акції якої котируються на біржі
loan capital Capital which is raised through borrowings. - капітал, одержаний у формі кредиту
loss adjusters Work independently from insurance companies but on their behalf. They examine claims and might settle losses on behalf of the companies. - диспашер зі збитків
margin The percentage difference between a bank's yield on earning assets (mainly loans) and interest paid on deposits. - маржа
market-maker An Exchange Member Firm which is obliged to buy and sell securities, in which he is registered as a principal at all times. - учасник фінансового ринку
maturity The amount of time until the due date of the loan. - термін боргового зобов'язання
member firm A trading firm of the International Stock Exchange may act as an agency broker on behalf of clients or as a market-maker. - фірма - член біржі
mint The place where coins are produced. - монетний двір
mio Dealer slang for a million. - бірж, сленг мільйон
money markets The trading of financial instruments such as bills and CDs. - грошовий ринок; ринок короткотермінового капіталу
national debt The total amount of money owed by a country. - національний борг: внутрішній та зовнішній борг центрального уряду
new issue A company coming to the market for the first time. - перший випуск цінних паперів даної компанії
netting Written contracts between banks to settle mutual obligations at the net value of the contract. - нетинг - взаємне погашення зобов'язань та активів між філіями банку чи кількома банками
odd lot A batch of shares which is less than 100. - неповний лот (менше ніж 100 акцій)
offer The price at which the seller of a security is willing to sell, the asked price. - пропозиція (купити чи продати за певною ціною)
Official List 1. the major of the Exchange's three markets for UK shares; 2. the Internationa] Stock Exchange's Daily Official List is the list of official prices published each day. - офіційний список цінних паперів, що котируються на Лондонській біржі
offshore funds Deposits made in areas which are tax free, such as Cayman Islands, Tenerife. - офшорний інвестиційний фонд (зареєстрований у країні, де діють податкові пільги)
Old Lady (the) The nickname of the Bank of England, which was in Threadneedle Street. - "стара дама з Треднідл стріт',' популярна назва Банку Англії


operating costs The fixed costs of running a business, such as heating, rent and salaries. - операційні витрати
operational balance The amount of funds required on a bank's account to cover daily treasury operations. - операційний баланс
option A contract giving the holder the right to buy or sell assets during a specific period at a pre-agreed price. - опціон
ordinary shares The most common form of share which do not have voting rights. Holders receive dividends which vary in amount in accordance with the profitability of the company and recommendations of the directors. Their holders are the owners of the company. - звичайна акція
over-the-counter A market for shares not listed on the Stock Exchange but traded by brokers. - що продається без посередників поза біржею; позабіржовий
overview A general outlook or forecast. - загальний огляд
par (nominal, face) value The nominal value or existing rate. - номінальна вартість
Paris Dealer term for the French franc. - бірж, сленг французький франк
payroll The number of people employed by a company. - платіжна відомість
peak The maximum or top level. -пік
Phytosanitary Certificate A document which certifies plants are healthy and can be transported. - фітосанітарне свідоцтво
pip Dealer term for the minimum price change in floating FX rates. - одна десятитисячна валютного курсу
plain vanilla An investment instrument in its most basic form. - проста процентна позика
policy A piece of paper setting out the terms of the agreement between the insurer and the insured. - поліс
portfolio A group of loans, assets or investments. - портфель (цінних паперів, кредитів і т.д.)
preference/ preferred stock Fixed-income shares, whose holders have the right to receive dividends before ordinary shareholders but after debenture and loan stock holders have received their interest. - привілейована акція
premium The money paid to an insurer in return for undertaking a risk. - премія, надбавка, ажіо, лаж
principal The main parties involved in a transaction or issue of a credit. 1. основний боржник; 2. номінал векселя; 3. основна сума боргу (на відміну від процентів); 4. капітал (на відміну від доходів на капітал)
private banking Banking services for private individuals: not companies. - банківське обслуговування фізичних клієнтів
problem bank A bank which is under close supervision by the central bank because of liquidity problems. - проблемний банк; банк, що переживає труднощі
proforma invoice An invoice issued to give an estimate of the price to the customer. - попередній рахунок-фактура
promissory note A written promise to pay a debt which may be transferred to a third party as a negotiable instrument. - простий вексель
proxy The right of an investor to vote at the AGM of a company. - право голосувати від імені акціонера
quid Pound sterling. The British standard pound of one hundred pence as a gold coin or a paper note. - соверен, фунт стерлінгів

receiver The person appointed in the bankruptcy court to act as an agent for a debtor. - особа, призначена судом для проведення ліквідації неплатоспроможної компанії
reciprocity The situation where two correspondent banks provide similar services to each others' clients in their respective countries. - принцип взаємності у валютно-кредитному регулюванні
recourse The right to claim back in certain conditions. - право регресу (право векселетримача вимагати від векселедавця оплати опротестованого векселя)
red flag A warning that something may not be right when reviewing a credit application. - попередження
red herring A statement on the first page of the preliminary prospectus which gives public disclosures about a share offering. - попередній варіант проспекту випуску акцій; відволікаючий маневр
redemption date The date on which a security (usually a fixed interest stock) is due to be repaid by the issuer at its full face value. The year is included in the title of the security; the actual redemption date being that on which the last interest is due to be paid. - дата погашення, дата викупу
redemption notice The right of a debtor to reclaim personal property by paying creditors. - повідомлення про викуп
refinancing Adding a new loan to the principal amount owed with new payment terms. - пролонгування терміну кредиту; зміна умов банківського кредиту
re-insurance When an underwriter has agreed to underwrite a large risk he might lay off some of that liability by insuring it with other underwriters. Whilst this lessens his risk it also lessens his potential profit. - вторинне страхування, перестрахування
remain constant To stay at the same level. - залишатися незмінним
reserves Amounts set aside by bank to cover bad loans. - резерви
revenue Income generated by providing goods or services. - доходи (переважно державні)
rights issue When a company, whose shares are already listed, makes a new issue for cash to existing shareholders, in proportion to their holdings. Usually at a preferential price. - випуск звичайних акцій для розміщення вже існуючих акціонерів за пільговими цінами
Royal Mint (the) The place where British coins are produced. - Королівський монетний двір
rubber cheque A cheque which is drawn for an amount above the balance held on the account. - "гумовий чек": чек, не забезпечений коштами на рахунку
safe A place where money is deposited to be kept secure. -сейф
securities General name for all Stock Exchange investment instruments, such as stocks and bonds. - цінні папери
security The backing for a loan which protects the bank if the client defaults. - забезпечення
settlement The accounting process in which a transaction is recorded for both parties in the transfer of funds. - розрахунок
share capita] The amount of capital raised by issuing shares. - акціонерний капітал компанії: капітал компанії у формі акцій -сума номінальної вартості акцій
shareholder A person who owns shares in a company. - акціонер
sluggish Slow. - повільний,неактивний


soft loan A loan which is issued at non-commercial rates by development banks. - пільговий кредит
solvent With sufficient funds to cover liabilities. - кредитоспроможний
sound money The issue of money backed by the nation's gold reserves. - випуск банкнот, забезпечених золотом
spot A contract to buy or sell currency at today's rate; with delivery in two working days. - спот
stag One who applies for a new issue in the hope of being able to sell the shares allotted to him at a profit as soon as dealing starts. - біржовий спекулянт цінними паперами
Stamp Duty A UK tax levied on the purchase of shares. - гербовий збір; податок, що збирається при оформленні документів, контрактів т.д.
Stocky Dealer slang for the Danish kroner. - бірж, сленг шведська крона
swap A contract to simultaneously buy and sell a currency in approximately equal amounts for different maturity dates. -своп
Swissy Dealer slang for the Swiss franc. - бірж, сленг швейцарський франк
tariff A scale of prices for a range of services. - тариф
test keys Codes used between banks in electronic messages to confirm the authenticity of a transaction. - шифри, ключі
tombstone An advertisement in a financial publication which gives only an announcement of the issue of shares to the underwriter involved. - оголошення про емісію цінних паперів
track record Experience and financial performance, e.g. This company has a good track record. - досягнення
trade balance The balance between exports and imports in a country. - торговельний баланс
trade barriers Restrictions which prevent countries dealing with each other because of political or economic reasons. - торговельний бар'єр
trading standards The specific rules and procedures which should be followed to do business in a country. - торговельні стандарти
transshipment The forwarding of goods through another means of transport - відвантаження товарів з одного судна на інше в одному порту
Treasury The department which monitors the cash position of the bank. - казначейський відділ в банку
Treasury Bill Short-term treasury bills issued by governments at a rate lower than face value. - казначейський вексель
tripIe-A rating The soundest credit rating assigned to a country or a company. - AAA - найвищий кредитний рейтинг за системою "Стендард енд Пур"
triplicate Three copies of a document. - у трьох екземплярах
turnover The amount of income flowing through a company after deductions. -обіг
underwriter 1. the bank which guarantee: to buy an issue of shares and sell them on to the client. 2. a person who examines a risk and works out the premium to be charged for insurance. 1. банк, що виступає гарантом при розміщенні випуску цінних паперів; 2. андерайтер: той, хто приймає на себе страховий ризик


underwriting An arrangement by which a company is guaranteed that an issue of shares will raise a given amount of cash, because the underwriters for a small commission undertake to subscribe for any of the issue not taken up by the public. - гарантоване розміщення цінних паперів
unemployment figures The number of people which do not hold jobs in a country. - дані з безробіття
unit trust A fund in which the investor buys a unit rather than one share or stock. - пайовий інвестиційний фонд (Великобританія)
value date The due date or delivery date of a contract. - дата валютування; дата зарахування грошей на банківський рахунок
vault The most secure place in a bank where banknotes and valuables are stored. - банківське сховище
Veterinary Certificate A document used when transporting live animals; which states they are healthy. - ветеринарний сертифікат
volatile Fluctuating: unpredictable. - нестійкий (про ринок)
Wall Street Crash (the) Trie collapse of US stock prices on 29 October; 1929. - катастрофічне падіння курсів цінних паперів на Нью-Йоркській фондовій біржі (жовтень 1929 р.)
watch list A list of banks experiencing liquidity problems held by the central bank. - список цінних паперів, за якими ведеться спостереження
watermark A complex design in the paper of a banknote or investment instrument which helps to prevent its forgery. - водяний знак
. d The depreciation in value of an asset due to its wear-and-tearr, continual use. - зношення, амортизація
.„ A document which states who will inherit the estate on Wl11 > A <U a persons death. - заповіт, духівниця
working capitalCurrent assets less current liabilities. - оборотний капітал
yardDealer slang for a billion. - бірж, сленг сума в один мільярд
.., The annual return on a bond; calculated by the і increase in coupon value and the interest rate. - дохід у вигляді процентів на цінні папери або вкладений капітал



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