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Structure of labour precaution management system

Management by labour precaution consists of preparation, reception and realization of the decisions on realization of organizational, technical and medically-prophylactic arrangements and methods, directed on safety of life, human health and capacity in work, decreasing of professional risks, creation of safe and harmless conditions of work, prevention to emergency situations.

СУОПП brings to effect following demands:

- envelops all of the functions of production activity, will realized at all of the levels and stages of production cycle (workers activity), as at preparation (organizations) stage of production and at its motion, so and after its completion in conditions of normal functioning and in conditions of non-typical (extraordinary) situations, that do not plan. Under this management by labour protection has clear distribution (delimitation) of the functions and volume of administrative decisions;

- corresponds the aims, tasks and management object peculiarities, takes into account the traditions and organically blends into current structural scheme of management by enterprise as a whole, as one of its subsystems, its component. The management board of enterprise ta the same time is a management board by labour protection;

- has to be self-controlled, adaptive and react on all of structurally-functional changes in management scheme of the enterprise;

- subjects and objects of the management are ought to be defined in management system by labour precaution of enterprise, a particular order of their interaction and intercommunications is established, so as the board provided co-ordination and control for functioning of the system;

Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 197 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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