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Забезпечення пожежної і вибухової безпеки об'єкта, що проектується

Пожежна безпека пристрою, що проектується, повинна забезпечуватися у відповідності з ГОСТ 12.1.004 - 91 “Пожежна безпека”, Вибухова по ГОСТ 12.1.010-76 “Вибухонебезпека. Загальні вимоги”.

In given subdivision it need to consider arrangements, that bear upon crossing choice send-off according to admissible current closeness, and method choice and gasket places send-off, for example, for example БПВЛ lays in pipes, in plaits, in places of raised temperature, in region of power-plants it need press into the service of wire with envelope from БПТ glass textile.

At design of air-ports electrical supply systems it need spare more attention of cables choice, to methods of their gasket.

Resistors Choice it needed to be grounded. They get out on admissible dispersion power, and condensers are on admissible work voltage.

At design of object it needed to fix fire-proof and nonflammable material, textolite for mounting plates, paper-based laminate. Fire risk of matters and materials 12.1.044 laid out into STATE STANDARD ГОСТ- 84.

In graduation thesis on air-ports electricity supply power installations, illumination systems of runway it need spare big attention of object defense apparatus choice, that projects, to ground a defense apparatus type choice, to do at necessity a computation. To show where, in which circuits installs defense, in which places it mounted: if it is on ПК, then on shields or panels, or already found device overloads protection, to which a block projects, sub-panel, scheme; if air-ports electrical supply this is, then defense installs on transforming station (to show, where concretely installs defense, which access to it specialists, to lay out access prevention arrangements to it outsider persons).

Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 198 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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