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Computers and Сareer

Computers have been used more and more frequently in Great Britain. Today many Britons use them every day. According to recent statistics every third person has contact with a computer at work. The ability to operate at least some basic computer programs is a major requirement when applying for a job as an accountant secretary or an administrative clerk. A lot of older people often have to learn new skills to be able to stay іn their jobs.

Access to personal computers is also growing. The number of people who purchase them is gradually increasing. Today most people have computers at home, others are planning to buy one soon.

Computers in Great Britain are being increasingly used in numerous walks of life. They are revolutionising the design, printing, manufacturing, accountancy, banking, telecommunication, energetics, the mining industries and the railway system.

The computer is no longer simply an object of fascination but an absolute necessity. Many analysts are of the opinion that in a few years' time the inability to operate a computer will be treated as a kind of cultural illiteracy.

2. Mind the following words and word-combination:

Recent statistics

to have a contact with co0mputer at work

to operate basic computer programs

to learn new skills


Дата публикования: 2014-12-11; Прочитано: 1017 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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