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Mendeleyev’s greatest discovery was the periodic law, one of the main laws of natural sciences. He published “Principles of Chemistry” that opened a new era in the history of chemistry.

Mendeleyev described more than 60 elements and found that all the elements could be divided into nine groups. Each of these groups may be divided into 5 rows. In 1869 Mendeleyev published his Periodic Table of Elements which began a new era in chemistry.

He also paid much attention to many subjects. He was the first to propose the idea of studying the upper layers of the atmosphere. Mendeleyev wrote more than 500 works. He made much for the progress of science, industry and agriculture, but only nowadays many of his ideas were put into practice.

In 1893 he was appointed the first Director of Board of Weights and Measures. He was elected the member of many academies abroad.

In February 1907 Mendeleyev died of pneumonia.

He was engaged in scientific research to the very last day of his life.


* graduated from – закінчив (університет)

* Мaster’s degree – ступінь бакалавра

* to deliver lectures – читати лекції

* periodic law – періодична таблиця

* Board of Weights and Measures – палата мір та ваги

* to be engaged - бути залученим

Questions about the text:

1. When and where was Mendeleyev born?

2. Wnen did he enter the Institute of Pedagogy?

3. When did he become Master of Science in Chemistry?

4. For what did he receive his Doctor’s degree?

5. What did he discover?

6. Did he make much to the progress of science, industry and agriculture?

7. When did he die?


D.I. Mendeleyev was a great Russian scientist. He was born in Tobolsk in 1834. At 16 he entered the Institute of Pedagogy in St. Petersburg. At 23 he became Master of Sciences in Chemistry. Some years later he received his Doctor’s degree (for the work of combination of alcohol with water). During 25 years Mendeleyev was the professor of Chemistry. He wrote many works in organic and inorganic Chemistry. He discovered the Periodic Law-one of the main Laws of natural Sciences. Mendeleyev made great contribution to the theory of solutions and patrolium extraction. He made much to the progress of science, industry and agriculture.


Increase your vocabulary:

to compound [kqm'paund] змішувати, з’єднувати,складати
to dispense [dIs'pFns] готувати, розподіляти (ліки)
liquid ['lIkwId] рідина
to predict [prI'dIkt] передбачати
(in)compatibility [In'"kqmpxtI'bIlItI] (не)сумісність
to encounter [In'kauntq'] натрапляти, траплятися, стикатися
to confirm [kqn'fWm] підтверджувати
to crush [krAS] дробити
to alter (=change) ['Oltq'] змінювати

Pharmacy is the art and science of recognizing, detecting, collecting, selecting, preparing, storing, testing, compounding and dispensing all substances used in prevention and treatment.

Most drugs are prepared and distributed to the chemist’s or hospital in tablets, capsules, liquids and sterile solutions for injection.

The pharmacist *is responsible for dispensing the preparation. Preparing medicines demands special knowledge, experience and high *professional standards. To become a pharmacist we must have deep knowledge of different subjects, such as Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Pharmacology, Toxicology, Pharmacognosy, Technology of drugs, Organization and Economy of Pharmacy, Management and Marketing in Pharmacy.

The pharmacist must *know drug constituents and be able to predict chemical, physical and *therapeutic incompatibilities that the patient may have when using different drugs together. When supplying both prescription and over-the-counter *(OTC) medication to the patients the pharmacist also provides information for the safe and effective use of such drugs. The pharmacist needs to know all about obtaining, absorbtion, stability and dosage of a drug. The pharmacist must also know what tablets can be crushed and added to food without changing the drug effect and dose regimen. Pharmacists should be very helpful and supportive when asked for their opinion and advice.

Progress in many fields of medicine depends on production of antibiotics, effective narcotic, cardiac and other drugs. New pharmaceutical preparations are constantly developed for every branch of medicine. New drugs save lives and help to reduce the costs of therapy, surgery and hospitalization.


* to be responsible for – бути відповідальним за

* professional standards – професійні стандарти

* to know drug constituents [kqn'stItjuqnt]– знати складові ліків

* therapeutic incompatibilities [TFrq'pju:tIk In'"kqmpxtI'bIlItI] лікувальна несумісність

* over-the-counter drug (OTC) ['quvq' DJ 'kauntq' drAg] - ліки, що відпускаються без рецепта

* dose regimen [dqus reI'ZJm] схема прийняття лікарського засобу

Questions about the text:

1. How is pharmacy defined?

2. What is the role of a pharmacist?

3. What do compounding and dispensing medicines demand?

4. What is necessary to become a pharmacist?

5. What is a pharmacist able to predict?

6. What information does the pharmacist provide when supplying both prescriptive and over-the-counter drugs?

7. What does the progress in medicine depend on?


Pharmacy is the art and science of determining, collecting, selecting, preparing, storing, testing and dispensing all drugs used in medicine (for treating people). Drugs are distributed to the chemist’s and hospitals in tablets, capsules, liquid preparations and solutions for injections. The pharmacist has a big role in dispensing the preparations. He must have professional skills and good knowledge in physics, chemistry, biology, pharmacology, management and marketing in pharmacy. He can predict chemical, physical and therapeutic incompatibility of medicines. The pharmacist gives necessary information for the safe and effective use of (OTC and prescription) drugs (to the patients and his collegues). The pharmacist must know (everything about) the dosage, stability, absorbtion of preparations and if they can be added to food. Progress in all fields of medicine depends on production of antibiotics, pain-killers and cardiac drugs. New pharmaceutical preparations are constantly developed. New drugs save lives and help to reduce the costs of health care (=treatment).

Дата публикования: 2014-12-11; Прочитано: 270 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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