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M. I. Pirogov, the great scientist, surgeon, inventor, innovator and writer was born in Moscow on November 25, 1810 in the family of a clerk. At 14 Pirogov became a student of medical faculty at Moscow University. Three years later he successfully graduated from the Moscow University and was sent to a professorship institute. At 23 he completed the course and defended the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Medicine.

In 1836 M. I. Pirogov was elected a professor of Theoretical and Practical Surgery at the Derpt University. Under his guidance 14 doctors’ theses on surgery were defended there.

In 1841 M. I. Pirogov was elected the professor of the chair of Hospital Surgery, Pathologic and Surgical Anatomy in St. Petersburg Academy of Medicine and Surgery. He wrote a set of works in Surgery and Anatomy. “The Fundamentals of Field Surgery”, “Topographic Anatomy” are among them. He also worked on the problem of using ether vapours as sedative drug. He opened new possibilities in Surgery; he also performed osteoplastic operations and was the first to divide the Achilles tendon.

He took part in four wars as a field surgeon. He discovered rigid plaster cast and formulated some of the most important principles of treating gunshot wounds,fractures, shock and wound infections.

In 1856 M.I. Pirogov became a supervisor of Educational Institutions in Odessa region and then he held the same position in Kyiv. On his initiative a university was founded in Odessa.

He spent his last years of life in Vishnya, not far from Vinnytsya, Ukraine. He built a house, a dispensary, and a small hospital. Now it is Pirogov’s estate-museum.

M.I. Pirogov died from cancer on November 23, 1881. Many people from all over the world come to Vinnytsya to pay tribute to him.

Questions about the text:

1. When was M.I. Pirogov born?

2. What was M.I. Pirogov? What was his career in his youth?

3. What can you say about Pirogov’s activity in Derpt?

4. What works ensured Pirogov’s glory during St. Petersburg period of his activity?

5. What new trend did Pirogov start in surgery?

6. What wars did he take part in?

7. What did he do as a field surgeon?

8. What position did Pirogov occupy in Odessa?

9. Where did he live in Ukraine?

10. When did M.I. Pirogov die? In what way do people keep warm memory of the great surgeon?


M. I. Pirogov was a great Russian surgeon. He was a brilliant scientist. At 22 he became a Doctor of Science, at 30 he was a professor. Pirogov made many discoveries in surgery. He performed osteoplastic operations,operations on the Achilles tendon. Pirogov took part in four wars as a field surgeon. He introduced a rigid plaster cast and general narcosis during operations. Pirogov wrote many classic works in Surgery and Anatomy. His anatomic atlas is used even now. Pirogov’s motto was: “There is no medicine without Surgery and no Surgery without Anatomy”.


(for medical students and dentists)

Increase your vocabulary:

medicine ['medsIn] ліки, медикаменти
drug [drAg] ліки, лікарський препарат
administration [qdmInIs'treISn] призначення
signature ['signqCq] сігнатура
to confuse [kqn'fju:z] плутати (щ-н)
remedy ['remqdi] pp засіб
poisonous ['pOIznqs] отруйний
intravenous [intrq'vi:nqs] внутрішньовенний
intramuscular [intrq'mAskjulq] внутрішньом’язевий
overdosage ['quvq'dqusiG] передозування
sedative ['sedqtiv] заспокійливий засіб
laxative ['lxksqtiv] проносний засіб
dropper ['drOpq'] крапельниця, піпеткаак
injection [in'GFkSn] ін’єкція
ampule ['xmpu:l] ампула
iodine ['aIqdaIn] йод
to order ['O:dq] зза замовляти (ліки)
pill [pIl] піг пігулка
headache ['hedeIk] го головний біль


Ф As you know on *receiving a prescription from a doctor or on following a home

treatment all of us need medicines which are ordered or bought at a chemist’s.

There are usually two departments in the chemist’s. At the *chemist’s department

one can have the medicine immediately (right away), other drugs have to be ordered at

the *prescription department.

At any chemist’s all the drugs are kept in *drug cabinets. Every small bottle, a tube or

a box of medicine has a label with the name of the medicine and its indication stuck on it. There are labels of four colours: green labels indicate drugs for internal use, yellow

ones indicate drugs for external use and blue ones indicate drugs for injection. Drugs used for treatment of eye diseases have labels of a pink colour. The dose to be taken and the directions for the administration are also indicated on a label. *As a rule the directions for the administration of a drug are written on the signature. It is well known that chemists, doctors, *as well as patients themselves must not confuse different remedies, because some of them are poisonous and their overdosage may cause bad (unfavourable) reaction, sometimes even death.

In the *drug cabinets one can see small parcels of different powders, ampules of drugs

used for intravenous and intramuscular injections. There are tubes of *healing ointments,

different pills, sedative and tonics, as vitamins and *sleeping draughts. Here you can find

different laxative drugs, tablets for headache, bottles of iodine and others. At the

chemist’s shop one can buy *hot water bottles, medicine droppers and many other things

which are necessary for *medical care.


* at the chemist’s shop – ['kemists SOp] в аптеці

* to receive a prescription – [ri'si:v ] отримувати рецепт

* chemist’s department – відділ ручного продажу ліків

* prescription department – [pri'skripSqn] рецептурний відділ

* as well as – а також

* healing ointment – ['hi:lIN 'oIntmqnt] лікувальна мазь

* sleeping draught – ['sli:piN 'dra:ft] снодійне

* hot water bottle - грілка

* medical care – медичний догляд

* drug cabinet – шафа для ліків

* as a rule – як правило

Questions about the text:

1. Where can we buy medicines?

2. How many departments are there in the Chemist’s Shop?

3. At what departments can you order drugs?

4. Where are all drugs kept?

5. What is stuck on every bottle and box containing some drugs?

6. What labels are stuck to indicate drugs for internal use?

7. What drugs have yellow labels stuck on?

8. What is usually written on a signature or a label, which is stuck on a bottle?

9. Why is the dose to be taken indicated on the label?

10. What kind of medicines can we buy at the Chemist’s Shop?


There are many chemist’s shops in our town. Some of them are state, others are

private. A state chemist’s shop has two departments: the chemist’s department and the

prescription department. At the chemist’s department we can have medicines

immediately. At the prescription department you can order some drugs. All drugs are

kept in drug cabinets. Every box or a bottle of medicine has a label with its name.

There are labels of four colours: green, yellow, pink and blue. Green labels indicate drugs for internal use. Yellow labels indicate drugs for external use. Blue labels indicate drugs for injections. Drugs used for treatment of eye diseases have labels of a pink colour.

At the chemist’s shop we can buy everything necessary for medical care.


Increase your vocabulary:

protection [prq'tekSn]— захист ахист
to insure [In'Suq] забезпечувати
qualified ['kwPlIfaId] кваліфікований
to provide [prq'vaId] забезпечувати
to fall ill (fell, fallen) [fO:l] захворіти
local ['lqukl]— місцевий
to call in [kO:l] викликати
condition [kqn'dISn]— стан
complaint [kqm'pleInt] скарга
stethoscope ['steTqskqup]— стетоскоп
to measure ['mFZq] вимірювати
findings ['faIndINz] дані
to administer [qd'mInIstq'] призначати
proper ['prOpq'] відповідний
call [kO:l] виклик
sick [sIk] хворий
definite ['defInIt] певний
to fill in [fIl] заповнювати
course [kO:s] перебіг хвороби
change ['CeInG] зміна
periodical [,pIqrI'PdIkl]— періодичний
to prevent [prI'vent] запобігати
to cure [kjuq'] виліковувати

Citizens of Ukraine have the right to *health protection. This right is insured by qualified medical care provided by state health institutions. One of such medical institutions is the polyclinic. If a person falls ill he will ring up to his local polyclinic and call in a doctor. When his condition isn’t very poor and he has no high temperature he goes to the polyclinic to his district therapist. All local physicians have their *consulting hours at the polyclinic.

During the medical examination a physician usually asks the patient about his complaints. *According to them he carries on *physical examination. The doctor applies the stethoscope to the patient’s chest and listens to his lungs and heart. He measures his blood pressure, asks the patient to take the temperature. The laboratory findings help the physician to make a correct diagnosis and administer a proper treatment. To be sure of diagnosis the doctor sometimes directs the patient to be X-rayed.

Local physicians go to the calls to examine those patients who are seriously ill. Such sick personsиreceive a *sick leave at the *Trade Union expense. They usually follow a *bed regimen. If necessary the doctor directs them to the *in-patient department for treatment.

Any physician of the polyclinic knows his patients very well because he treats only a definite number of patients. At the local polyclinic every patient has a personal patient’s card which is filled in by his district therapist. The diagnosis of the disease, the administrations, the cause of the disease, the changes in the patient’s condition are written down in the card.

At polyclinics periodical medical examinations are carried on because they help *to nip a disease in the bud. It is easier to prevent the disease than to cure it.


* health protection – охорона здоров’я

* consulting hours – години прийому

* according to – згідно з

* physical examination – медичне обстеження

* sick-leave – лікарняний лист

* the Trade Union - ["treid 'jHnIqn]—профспілка рофспілка

* at the expense – [Iks'pens] за рахунок

* a bed regimen - ['reGImqn]—постільний режим

* in-patient department – стаціонарне відділення

* to nip in the bud – [bAd] знищити в корені, ліквідувати

Questions about the text:

1. What is a polyclinic?

2. When does a person go to the polyclinic?

3. How does a physician carry on the medical examination?

4. What findings help the doctor to make a correct diagnosis?

5. What patients do the district doctors examine at home?

6. Why does any physician of the polyclinic know his patients very well?

7. What data are written down in the personal patient’s card?

8. Who fills in personal patient’s card?

9. Why are periodical medical examinations carried on at polyclinics?


In Ukraine there are many medical institutions to protect the health of people. One of them is the policlinic. If a person falls ill he goes to the polyclinic to his district doctor. The district doctor carries out physical examination. He sends the patient to the laboratory to make analysis. The laboratory findings help the doctor to make a correct diagnosis. Sometimes the doctor directs the patient to be X-rayed. At the district polyclinic every patient has his personal card. At polyclinics periodical medical examinations are made. They help to prevent many diseases.


Increase your vocabulary:

to establish [Is'txblIS] засновувати, створювати
to provide [prq'vaId] забезпечувати
resident ['rFzIdqnt] постійний житель
to run (ran, run) [rAn] керувати
contribution [kOntrI'bjHSqn] внесок
glasses [glRsiz] окуляри
lenses ['lFnsIz] лінзи
pregnant ['prFgnqnt] вагітна
emergency [I'mq:GqnsI] невідкладний
admission [qd'mISqn] госпіталізація

The NHS was established in *the UK on July 5th, 1948. It provides all kinds of medical services to all residents of the country. The NHS is run by the Government and is financed in some ways. Every working person has to pay a weekly contribution about 15 per cent of the total cost. Money come from general taxes too. For some things the patients may pay a small charge or even *get it free. If the patient falls within certain categories such as: a pensioner, a person aged 60 or over, *a child under 16 or under 19 in *full-time education, pregnant or *nursing mother, suffering from one of *specified conditions or on *income support or *family credit he gets his medicine free.

NHS dentists also provide free treatment for some people including children under 18, subsidized treatment for others. Glasses and contact lenses are not supplied through the NHS but some people can get help with their costs.

Pharmacists and health professionals are *available to give advice on treating common problems.

The Government cares for pregnant women and new mothers. The Government explains them their rights and standards of service they can receive during pregnancy, the baby’s birth and * postnatal care.

The NHS consists of three main parts: the *GP (including dental services), the hospital and specialists’ services, the *local health authority services (HA).

The patients have the right to receive health care on the basis of their clinical needs, not on their ability to pay, their lifestyle or other factors. They also are registered with a GP or are able to change their GP if they want to.

They can get emergency treatment too. In Gr. Britain there are general and special hospitals, tuberculosis sanatoria, infectious disease units and nursing homes. Most patients go into hospital quickly after a consultant has decided that treatment is needed.

From April 1995, the NHS is broadening *the 18 month guarantee to cover all admissions to hospital.

In accident and emergency departments, 9 out of 10 patients are seen for treatment *as soon as they arrive. The patients expect to arrive the ambulance within 14 minutes in urban area.

Many families have their own doctor who gets pay directly from his patients. These doctors give their patients regular examination, vaccination and advice.


* the UK – Об'єднане Королівство

* to get free – отримувати безкоштовно

* full-time education – денний стаціонар

* nursing mother – мати, що доглядає за дитиною

* family credit – сімейний кредит

* specified condition – специфічне захворювання

* income support – підтримка за рахунок прибутків

* subsidizedtreatment – ['sAbsIdaIzd] лікування по субсидії

* child under 16 – дитина до 16 років

* to be available – бути доступним, бути вільним

* postnatal care – постнатальний догляд

* GP – General Practitioner – лікар загальної практики

* the 18 month guarantee – гарантія на 18 місяців

* as soon as – як тільки

* health authority – ['helT O:'TOrItI] орган влади охорони здоров’я

Questions about the text:

1. When was the NHS established in the UK?

2. How is the NHS financed?

3. In what cases does the patient get his medicine free?

4. For whom is dental free treatment provided?

5. Who is available to give advice on treating common problems?

6. How does the government care for pregnant women?

7. What parts does the NHS consist of?

8. How can the patients receive health care?

9. What kinds of institutions are there in Gr. Britain?

10. What is a family doctor?

11. How is he paid?


The NHS in Great Britain was established in 1948. It provides all kinds of medical services to all residents of the country. The Service consists of three main parts: the general practitioner services, the hospital services and the local health authority services. Many people go to their general practitioner for all their medical needs. This doctor examines his patients and sends them to the hospital if necessary. Doctors at state hospitals are paid by the Government. Their pay depends on the number of the served patients. Many families in Great Britain have their own doctor. Family doctors get pay directly from their patients. The National Health Service provides free medical care to low-income groups of population.


Increase your vocabulary:

entire [In'taIq] цілий, повний
urban ['Wbqn] міський
rural ['ruqrl] сільський
sufficient [sq'fISqnt] достатній
subordinate [sq'bO:dInqt] підпорядкований
to be divided into [dI'vaIdId] бути поділеним
a neurologist [njuq'rOlOGIst] невролог
a surgeon ['sWGqn] хірхірург
a therapeutist [TFrq'pju:tist] терапевт
gynecologist ["gaInI'kOlqGIst] гінеколог
surrounding environment [sq'raundIN In'vaIqrqnmqnt] навколишнє середовище

The public health in Ukraine has the state character. It is administered to the entire

urban and rural population. It means that the state provides the population with a sufficient number of medical institutions and skilled medical staff. The Ukrainian public health system is unified. All the medical services are subordinated to a single central body – the Ministry of Health. But there are still many private medical institutions.

The public health in Ukraine has a district organization of medical aid to people. Both towns and countryside are divided into medical districts. Each district usually has a hospital and a polyclinic. It is served by surgeons, therapeutists, neurologists, gynecologists and other specialists. The district doctors visit the patients at their homes or receive them at polyclinics. Besides there are large centres of cardiology, surgery, oncology, the First Aid Stations and others.

There is a number of mother and child consultation centres; children’s polyclinics, maternity homes and obstetric departments in hospitals. Red Cross and Red Crescent is a mass public organization which helps public health institutions. It organizes the training of people in first aid methods and trains special nurses who look after lonely sick or aged people. There are many homes where people can restore their health and spend their vacations. Every Ukrainian citizen has the right to a sick-leave paid by the Trade Union. The main principles of the public health in Ukraine are the prevention of diseases and the extension of the life-span of people. Great attention is paid to the surrounding environment.

Questions about the text:

1. What character does the public health in Ukraine have?

2. What does the state provide the population with?

3. What are all medical services subordinated to?

4. What specialists is each district served by?

5. What are the duties of the district doctor?

6. What are the main functions of Red Cross and Red Crescent?

7. Where can people restore their health and spend their vacations?

8. Does every Ukrainian citizen have the right to a sick-leave?

9. What are the main principles of the public health in Ukraine?

10. What is great attention paid to?


The public health in Ukraine has the state character. The Ukrainian health system is unified. There is a single central body – the Ministry of Health. But there are many private medical institutions. The public health has a district organization of medical aid to people. Each medical district has a hospital and a polyclinic. It is served by various specialists. There are large centres of cardiology, surgery, oncology, the first aid stations and others. There are many children’s polyclinics, maternity homes and obstetric departments in hospitals. There are many homes where people can restore their health. They may spend their vacations there too. The main tasks of public health are to prevent diseases and cure them.


Increase your vocabulary:

establishment [Is'txblISmqnt] заклад
midwife ['mIdwaIf] акушерка
duty ['dju:tI] обов’язок
Obstetrics [Ob'stFtrIks] акушерство
senior ['sInIq] старший
to last [lQ:st] тривати
subintership [sAb'Intq:nSIp] субординатура

If you wish to become a physician, a dentist, a pharmacist you must enter one of the medical universities. There are more than 15 higher medical establishments in Ukraine. There are also medical schools which train nurses, doctor’s assistants, midwives and laboratory assistants.

To enter a medical university the applicants *undergo testing in Biology and Chemistry or Physics. If they achieve good results they are admitted. The term of training lasts for 5 or 6 years. The academic year has two terms. At the end of each term the medical students take their credit tests and examinations.

During the first two years they are given general, preclinical training. They study the following subjects: Morphology, Physiology, Pathology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Physics, Chemistry and General Biology, Anatomy, Histology, Latin one of the foreign languages and other subjects. During the senior years the students are taught such clinical subjects as Therapy, Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology and others.

The senior students *gain practical skills working at different medical institutions. At the end of the 3rd course they perform the duties of the nurses. After the 4th year the students work as doctor’s assistants at the medical, surgical and obstetrical wards. After the 5th year they take a practical course in an outpatient clinic.

During the 6th year the students have the subinternship when they must *become proficient in one of the three main clinical subjects – Internal Diseases, Surgery and Obstetrics and Gynecology. Then after completing the course they *get their work appointments. But the graduates are not immediately given their diplomas. They must serve as interns for an extra year at large hospitals. Only then they get their doctor’s diplomas and the right to independent work. The best graduates *are engaged in research. They defend their dissertation after *attending the post-graduate courses and obtain degrees of candidates of sciences.

Their salaries and their *service record begin from the time of their appointment.


* to undergo testing – проходити тестування

* to gain skills [geIn] - набувати навички

* to perform the duty - виконувати обов’язок

* to become proficient [prq'fISqnt] – спеціалізуватися

* work appointment – призначення на роботу, направлення на роботу

* to be engaged [In'geIGd] бути залученим до

* to attend post-graduate course [q'tFnd 'pOst 'grxdjuIt 'kO:s] – відвідувати аспірантуру (вчитися на курсах підвищення кваліфікації)

* service record ['rFko:d] – стаж роботи

Questions about the text:

1. Where can we receive the medical education?

2. How long does the course of study last?

3. What subjects are studied in preclinical training?

4. What do the senior medical students study?

5. How do the senior students gain practical skills?

6. What do they do during their internship?

7. What perspective do the best graduates have?


In Ukraine medical education is received at medical schools, medical institutes and universities. Medical schools train nurses, doctor’s assistants, midwives and laboratory assistants. At universities the course of studies lasts for 5 or 6 years. During first two years the students study general subjects: Biology, Physics, Chemistry and General Biology, Anatomy, Histology, Latin and others. During senior years they study clinical subjects: Therapy, Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology and others. Besides the students have practical training at hospitals and policlinics. After the course of studies medical students pass final exams. Then they work as interns for 1 or 2 years. Only then they get their doctor’s diplomas


Increase your vocabulary:

Дата публикования: 2014-12-11; Прочитано: 682 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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