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1. Learn new words and expressions;:

A colleague – коллега

An expert – эксперт

An interpreter – устный переводчик

A translator – письменный переводчик

An office clerk – служащий офиса

An economist – экономист

A manager – менеджер

A businessman – предприниматель

A short - hand typist – стенографистка

A secretary – секретарь

A typist – машинистка

A book – keeper – счетовод

An accountant – бухгалтер

A financier – финансист

A programmer – программист

An auditor – аудитор

A tax-inspector – налоговый инспектор

A banker – служащий банка

A legal expert / a lawyer – юрист

On business – по делу

To do business – вести дела

Business trip – деловая поездка

Calling – призвание

Career – карьера

Employment – работа, занятость

Job – работа место

Occupation – род занятий

Trade – ремесло

Employee – служащий

Head – chief - начальник

Salary – зарплата служащего

Wage – зарплата рабочего

Vacancy – свободное место

Staff – штат сотрудников

To be out of job – быть без работы

To be looking for a job – искать работу

What’s your regular business? – чем ты занимаешься?

To have a part-time job – работа на неполный рабочий день.

Intelligent – умный

Hard – working – трудолюбивый

Sociable – общительный

Disciplined – дисциплинированный

Considerate – внимательный

Patient – терпеливый

Reserved – сдержанный

Reliable – надёжный

Brave – смелый

Earnest – серьёзный

Just – справедливый

Honest – честный

2. Translate into English:

1) Господин Петров ездил в Москву по делу.

2) Мы ведём дела с разными компаниями.

3) На следующей неделе госпожа Смирнова едет в деловую поездку.

4) Моё призвание – быть экономистом.

5) Я хочу сделать успешную карьеру в экономике.

6) Николай получил хорошую работу.

7) Чем вы занимаетесь? (Какая у вас профессия?)

8) В нашей компании 180 служащих.

9) Господин Иванов – начальник отдела продаж.

10) У вас есть вакансии?

11) Штат наших сотрудников очень большой.

12) Господин Белов сейчас без работы.

13) Он сейчас ищет работу.

14) Я хочу получить работу на неполный рабочий день.

3. Read and translate the text:

My future profession

To choose – выбирать

A vocational school – профтехучилище

A technical secondary school – техникум

A college – колледж

Higher education – высшее образование

To enter the institute – поступать в институт

A lawyer – юрист

To change one’s mind – передумать

Complicated – сложная

Optional courses – дополнительные курсы

To be connected with – быть связанным с …

A school-leaver – выпускник школы

There are so many trades and professions on the Earth. That’s very difficult to choose one for all your life. That’s why when a young man is asked: “What do you want to be?” it is so difficult for him to answer the question. Of course, there are always some boys and girls who know very well what they are going to do after school.

There are 3 roads open to us after finishing school. Some of us can start work. Others can go to a vocational school or technical secondary school and to gеt the trade of a machine-operator, a hair-dresser, a medical nurse, a technologist and so on. But many of us think of higher education and will try to enter this or that institute or university.

I always wanted to be a lawyer. But as the years passed, I changed my mind and now I want to be an economist.

We all know that the economic situation in our country is rather complicated now. The country needs good specialists for its national economy, and the profession of an economist is one of them.

My mother and my elder sister are economists, and I see how interesting their work is. I often listen to their talks; I sometimes go to my mother’s work and even help her.

The best way to get a good education is to work hard at school, to learn all I can outside the school.

I try to do my best at school. Besides, I attend optional courses in English, Maths and Computing. I read special programms on TV. I try to find out all I can about my future profession.

If I don’t manage to enter the institute right after school, I’ll try to find some work connected with the job that interests me. I’ll try again and again to enter the institute and to get a profession of an economist.

4. Answer the questions:

1. Why is it difficult for young people to choose a profession?

2. What roads are open for pupils after finishing school?

3. Have you already chosen your future profession?

4. Who helped you to make the decision?

5. Why did you decide to enter Perm Financial Economic college?

6. What school subjects are necessary to be good at our college?

7. What qualities and features of character are necessary to become a good specialist in your profession?

8. Do you have these qualities?

9. What are your parents’ professions?

10. Did they advise you to follow them?

11. Will you try to enter an institute or an university after finishing our college?

5. Read and translate the text:

Дата публикования: 2014-11-29; Прочитано: 500 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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