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My biography

1. Learn the new words and word combinations:

- to be born - родиться

- on the (5th of May) – 5 Мая

- in the village of… - в деревне

- district- район

- region - область

- we are 5 in the family – нас в семье пятеро

- to do well at school – хорошо учиться в школе

- to learn with great interest – учиться с большим интересом

- to take an active part in – принимать активное участие в…

- social life of school – общественная жизнь школы

- to attend sport sections and subject circles – посещать спортивные секции и предметные кружки

- a favorite lesson – любимый урок

- a well-educated man with broad outlook and deep knowledge of the subject – хорошо образованный человек с широким кругозором и знанием предмета

- to appreciate - ценить

- to leave (to finish) school – закончить школу

- to become an applicant for the entry to… - стать абитуриентом для поступления в…

- Perm financial economic college - Пермский финансово-экономический колледж

- dream- мечта

- my dream is to be – моя мечта стать…

- to come true – стать явью

- to be fond of - любить

- category – разряд (в спорте)

- a second year student – студент второго курса

Аnswer the questions. Use the word combinations given above:

1) When were you born?

2) Where were you born?

3) Is your family large?

4) How well did you do at school?

5) Did you take an active part in social life of school?

6) Did you attend sport sections and subject circles?

7) What was your favourite lesson?

8) Who was your favourite teacher? Why?

9) When did you finish school?

10) Who advised you to become an applicant for the entry to Perm financial economic college?

11) What is your dream?

12) What are you fond of?

13) Have you got any achievements in sport?

Дата публикования: 2014-11-29; Прочитано: 394 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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