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Speaking. 4.1 Listen to the dialogue and read it in roles

4.1 Listen to the dialogue and read it in roles.

At the Campus Cafe

Applicant: Excuse me, do you study at this university?

Student: Yes, I do.

A: The fact is that I hope to enter this university, so I’d like to learn more about it.

S: I am glad to be a student here.

A: Why? What do you like about the university?

S: In my opinion, it’s a great university to study at, because it has a long teaching history. Many famous people graduated from it. The President and the faculty really do their best to educate students.

A: What is your major, by the way?

S: Criminal Justice. I want to be a lawyer.

A: Oh! So do I. How long does the complete course last?

S: About six years.

A: How do you learn to become a lawyer?

S: First of all we listen to lectures and take notes, attend classes and seminars.

We spend much time in the library and at the Computer Center.

A: I guess you have many different assignments, don’t you?

S: You are right. Every week we write essays in English classes.We make presentations, work at research projects etc.

A: I see it takes much time and hard work to become a lawyer.

S: There is no doubt about it.

4.2 Reconstruct the dialogue translating Russian expressions into English.

Applicant: Извините, Вы учитесь в этом университете?

Student: Yes, I do.

A: The fact is that я надеюсь поступить в этот университет, so I’d like to learn more about it.

S: Я рад быть студентом здесь.

A: Why? What do you like about the university?

S: По моему мнению, it’s a great university to study at, because it has a long teaching history. Многие известные люди окончили его. The President and the преподавательский состав really делают все возможное, to educate students.

A: What is your специальность, by the way?

S: Уголовное судопроизводство. Я хочу быть юристом.

A: Oh! So do I. Сколько времени длится полный курс?

S: About six years.

A: Как вы учитесь to become a lawyer?

S: First of all мы слушаем лекции и записываем, посещаем занятия и семинары. Мы проводим много времени в библиотеке and at the Computer Center.

A: Я полагаю you have many different assignments, don’t you?

S: You are right. Every week мы пишем эссе на занятиях по английскому языку. Мы делаем презентации, работаем над исследовательскими проектами и т.д.

A: I see требуется много времени and hard work to become a lawyer.

S: There is no doubt about it.

4.3 Reproduce the dialogue reconstructing the student’s part.

At the Campus Cafe

Applicant: Excuse me, do you study at this university?


A: The fact is that I hope to enter this university, so I’d like to learn more about it.


A: Why? What do you like about the university?


A: What is your major, by the way?


A: Oh! So do I. How long does the complete course last?


A: How do you learn to become a lawyer?


A: I guess you have many different assignments, don’t you?


A: I see it takes much time and hard work to become a lawyer.


4.5 Add to the dialogue some words and expressions from the Units 1 and 2 and act it out.

4.6 Compose and act out the dialogues in the following situations.

– Your friend was granted a bachelor’s degree in one of the USA universities. Ask him about the university and the typical way of studying there.

– Ask the NVCJA trainee about details of the course there.

– An American professor will conduct Criminal Justice courses for your group. Before classes he wants to introduce himself, his university and answer your questions.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-29; Прочитано: 389 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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