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Topical vocabulary. 2.1 Listen and pronounce the following words and expressions after the speaker

2.1 Listen and pronounce the following words and expressions after the speaker

Major – специальность, профилирующий предмет

Curriculum – учебный план

Campus – территория учебного заведения

Nursing – профессия среднего медицинского персонала

Minister – священник

Estate – усадьба

Defensive tactics – оборонительная тактика

Club – дубинка

Handcuffing – надевать наручники

Simulated environment – смоделированная обстановка

Communication/firearms/driving skills –навыки общения/стрельбы/вождения

To boast – гордиться, отличаться, хвастаться

To suppose – предполагать

To believe – полагать, думать, верить

To consider – считать, рассматривать

To guess – догадываться, предполагать

To do one’s best – делать все возможное

To listen to a lecture on – слушать лекцию по

To take notes of – делать записи, составлять конспект

To make a presentation – провести презентацию

To practice skills – применять навыки

To use a weapon – применять оружие

To drive a patrol police car – водить патрульную полицейскую машину

To give first aid– оказать первую помощь

To direct traffic – регулировать дорожное движение

To testify in court – свидетельствовать в суде

To process a crime scene – осматривать место преступления

To communicate with – общаться с

To conduct vehicle traffic stop – проводить остановку транспортного средства

To conduct a building search/ a prisoner search – произвести осмотр помещения /личный досмотр арестованного

To threaten – угрожать

2.2 Match the following verbs with nouns

to conduct notes
to listen to traffic
to give in court
to take vehicle traffic stop
to direct a patrol police car
to testify a building search
to drive a weapon
to practice skills
to conduct first aid
to use a lecture

2.3 Look through the following expressions and think which of them would characterize the education process of a university student and a law enforcement trainee. Fill in the table with the expressions from the list.

To communicate with the public; to make a presentation; to conduct a building search; to take notes; to give first aid; to listen to a lecture; to process a crime scene; to practice firearms skills; to direct traffic; to testify in court; to attend classes; to serve; to research; to use a weapon; to practice defensive tactics; to go to a library; to learn concepts and laws; to write an essay; to solve a problem.

University Student Law Enforcement Trainee

2.4 Comment on your choice of the expressions characterizing the education process of a university student and a law enforcement trainee.

Model: I suppose (believe, consider, think) that a university student learns to___________________.

2.5 Watch the video about the training course at the NVCJA and say what policeman's skills they are trained for.

2.6 Translate into English the words in brackets and read the NVCJA Executive Director William C. O’Toole comments to the video.

In addition to (стрельбе) and driver's training, (первой помощи) and (навыкам общения) the trainees are also taught to:

(проводить остановку транспортных средств), (регулировать дорожное движение), testify in court, (осматривать место преступления), conduct building searches and (личный досмотр арестованного). We pay great attention to physical fitness training (running, push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups, cross-fit training, obstacle course).The (оборонительная тактика) such as weapons defense (knife and club), handcuffing, ground-fighting (how to escape an attack) are also in our (учебном плане). A lot of time is spent to (применять навыки) in a (смоделированной обстановке) after the trainees have learned the (навыки), concepts, and (законы) in the classroom.

And, of course, the most dramatic method is when we spray the (слушателей) with pepper spray. Not to cause them pain, but to demonstrate that they can still successfully recover and deal with a life-threatening situation if they, themselves are sprayed or come in contact with a prisoner that another officer has sprayed.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-29; Прочитано: 208 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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