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Writing direct speech

She said, 'My name's Stella.

'My name's Stella,' she said.

• Direct speech reports the exact words the speaker says. Put quotation marks

('...') before and after the speaker's statement.


The speaker's statement always starts with a capital letter.

she said can go heforc or after the statement, but is separated from it by a comma (J.

Commas and full stops after the statement go inside the quotation marks.

Question marks go inside the quotation marks.

Question marks are not followed by a comma: are you?' she said.

1.Write the sentences below using direct speech. Write each sentence twice, putting she said, he said, etc. before and after the statement.

1.Don't be late home.

My parents said. 'Don't be late home.

'Don't be late home,' my parents said.

2.I'd like to go out tonight. He said, I'd like to go out tonight.

I'd like to go out tonight,' he said.

3.Read this book before next week. The teacher

4.Go home and stay in bed. The doctor

5. We're coming to visit you on Sunday. Ruth

6. The courses cost £100 per week. The receptionist

7. We had a lovely time. They

8. I want to come with you. Danny

9. You're on the wrong train. The ticket inspector...

10. Can you answer the door? My grandmother

Дата публикования: 2014-11-29; Прочитано: 506 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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