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Write these sentences, putting the verbs into the future simple

1 I'm sure he (not be) late.

I'm sure he won't be late.

2 (I open) the window for you?

Shall I open the window for you?

3 How long (the journey take?)

4 1 suppose (she be) in London next week.

5 John (phone) your office for you.

6 (There be) a lot of people at the meeting?

7 What time (the race start?)

8 He (never agree) to your idea.

9 You (never see) your money again.

10 What's the matter? (I phone) the doctor?

11 Don't worry. I (pay) for the damage to your car.

12 (You be) at home tomorrow?

13 The company (not give) you an extra day's holiday.

14 Don't touch that! You (hurt) yourself!

15 There (not be) any newspapers tomorrow.

CONTRAST - going to-future plan, and will- sudden decision:

• In conversation, going to is often used to indicate a future plan that has been

made before the time of speaking:

I'm going to see Pat tomorrow - we arranged it this morning.

* Will is often used to indicate a sudden decision, made at the time of speaking:

How can we get to the airport? I know! I'll borrow Sue's car!

2. Write the correct form of going to or will to complete the dialogue:

LAURA: What are you doing this weekend, Jan?

TANYA: I ..'m going to see (see) a new play tomorrow at the Royal Court Theatre - 'Day of the Flood'.

LAURA: Have you got the tickets yet?

TANYA: NO, I … (get) them this afternoon, actually. Would you like to come?

LAURA: Oh, thank you, that would be nice.

TANYA: OK, I … (get) you a ticket too.

LAURA: Great... what time does it start?

TANYA: Eight o'clock, but we … (all meet) in the Green Cafe at 7.15...

LAURA:OK, I … (meet) you in the cafe, but, er... I … (be) there about half-past seven.

TANYA: That's fine.

LAURA: Oh, one other thing... I've got no money at the moment... I … (pay) for the ticket on Saturday. Is that OK?

TANYA: Yes, that's OK, no problem.

LAURA: … (you eat) in the cafe, or just have a cup of coffee?

TANYA: Just a coffee I think...

LAURA: Look, … (we go) to a restaurant after the show? I know a very good Chinese restaurant...

TANYA: That's a good idea - I … (phone) the others and see if they want to come too.

LAURA: Good, and then I … (book) a table...

Great! I … (see) you tomorrow.

3. Complete these sentences with the correct tense (will or going to):

1 That bag’s too heavy for you. I ____________________ carry it.

2 I’ve decided I ____________________ be an engineer.

3 Well, goodbye then. I ____________________ see you at eight o’clock outside the café.

4 I can’t decide what to have. I know! I ____________________ have a burger and chips.

5 Monday is 16 October so that means Tuesday ____________________ be 17 October.

6 Owen is outside the penalty area and he ____________________ to score!

7 I ____________________ feed the cat while you are away.

8 I’d like to come with you but tonight I ____________________ see my aunt.

9 Look at the bridge shaking – it ____________________ collapse!

10 I’m tired. I think I ____________________ have a bath and go to bed.

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