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6. Top Sixteen Reasons for Studying a Foreign Language: give your reasons for studying languages and fill in the gaps.

  1. In case you end up becoming a ________________ for your government.
  2. In case you end up becoming _________________ on international flights.
  3. To correctly ____________ at a foreign food restaurant.
  4. To study _____________.
  5. To understand the words to foreign songs like _____________ and ______________.
  6. To be able to ________________.
  7. To travel ________________ with more ease.
  8. To increase your chances of getting ________________.
  9. Learning foreign languages opens up _________________________ that didn’t even exist several years ago.
  10. In case your _________________ is from another country
  11. To impress _____________.
  12. Businessmen want to pick up foreign languages because ________________________ on a large scale over the world.
  13. Some people learn foreign languages just to _______________________ during their spare time. They want to __________________________ in different languages.
  14. People also read _______________________ that helps them open a new world, to learn about other peoples’ cultures, because language is a manifestation of the culture.
  15. Students ____________________ to be better educated.
  16. Scientists and engineers must learn foreign languages in order not to _________________. They are greatly interested in the achievements in the science and technology in other countries. Besides, a lot of handbooks, manuals and technical specifications are _____________________.


The Articles

an + v owel [әn]: an u mbrella, an ocean, an economist

a + c onsonant [ә]: a b all, a b oy, a book

Дата публикования: 2014-11-29; Прочитано: 417 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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