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VOCABULARY. full-time department – отделение дневного обучения

full-time department – отделение дневного обучения

part-time department – отд. вечернего обучения, correspondence department - отд. заочного обучения

to comprise = to include - включать, состоять.

fee-paying department – платное отделение

maintained department – бюджетное отделение

first degree – диплом о в/о (то же, что степень бакалавра [bachelor's degree]

to trace back – восходить к…

faculties, divisions (BrE), schools (AmE) – факультет

programme (AmE) - факультетское отделение

department/chair – отделение или кафедра

Liberal Arts - гуманитарные науки

  1. Say if these statements are right or wrong:
  1. Samara Region is one of the largest centres of education in the Urals Region.
  2. These specialists can handle urgent problems of the country’s politics, for example, the creation of new political structures, some new election technologies.
  3. Great Russian psychologist professor Nechaev became the next Rector of our University.
  4. Samara State University (SSU) is a higher educational institution that provides a full five-year professional course of studies.
  5. At present the University has following faculties, or divisions, or schools: Mechanics and Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Sociology, History, Law, Economy and Management, Psychology and Philology.
  6. The University has a part-time department and a correspondence department.
  7. The departments of the University comprise about three thousand students.
  8. I am a student of the History Department.
  9. Samara State University is a traditional multi-faculty university.

2. Answer the questions:

  1. How many state higher educational institutions are there in the Volga Region?
  2. Samara State University, technical, medical and aerospace universities, are the largest scientific technopolises, aren’t they?
  3. When did the University have to stop its activities?
  4. When did the University reopen?
  5. Does the University provide good conditions for study or does it provide good conditions for rest?
  6. Is the University staffed with fully qualified teachers or with unskilled teachers?
  7. What is research work, in your opinion? How do you understand it?
  8. What faculties/schools does the University have?
  9. How many students does the University comprise?

Дата публикования: 2014-11-29; Прочитано: 444 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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