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Negotiating is a process of bargaining by which agreement is reached between two or more parties. It is rare in negotiation for agreement to be reached immediately or for each side to have identical objectives. More often than not, agreements have to be worked out where concessions are given and received and this is the area where the profitability of the final outcome will be decided.

When preparing for negotiation, it is advisable to write down a realistic assessment of how you perceive the final outcome. Find out the limits of your authority within the negotiation and decide what you are willing and able to concede in order to arrive at an agreement, which satisfies all parties.

Concessions have two elements; cost and value. It is possible during negotiations to concede issues that have little cost to you but have great value to the other side. This is the best type of concession to make. Avoid, however, conceding on issues that have a high cost to you irrespective of their value to the other side.

When preparing for negotiations, ask yourself the following questions:

1. What is the best deal I could realistically achieve in this negotiation?

2. What is the likely outcome of the negotiation?

3. What is the limit of my authority? At which point should I walk away?

4. What concessions are available to me? What is the cost of each concession and what value does each have to either side?

Дата публикования: 2014-11-28; Прочитано: 200 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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