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Copy out from Text Four the sentences containing the word combinations and phrases and translate them into Russian

7. Paraphrase the following sentences using the word combinations and phrases:

1. We've very little sugar left. You'll have to go out and get some. – We are run short of sugar. You'll have to get at some. 2. There was a certain weakness in him which prevented him from accepting things as they were. He ran short of strengths of accepting things as they were. 3. Before that day. – I had never seen the man. I had never set eyes on him before that day. 4. It was obvious that the facts he had given were not real: he had invented them. – It was obvious that the facts he had given were not real: he had made them up. 5. Her child was all her world, the only thing that supported and encouraged her. – She doted on her child. 6. The real truth is sure to be revealed sooner or later. – The real truth is sure to come out sooner or later. 7. He had been living in a secret happy world of his own which had nothing to do with reality. Now it was all over. - He had been living in fool's paradise. Now everything's gone. 8. He found he had little petrol left and stopped to fill in. – He found he ran short of petrol and stopped to fill in. 9. The flower grew so high on the steep bank that the child couldn't get hold of it. – The flower grew so high on the steep bank that the child couldn't get at it. 10. The infuriated crowd shouted angrily demanding their money back. – The infuriated crowd shouted angrily demanding their money back. – The infuriated crowd clamoured for their money back.11. Hope and courage alone helped them to survive. – Hope and courage alone kept them going.


Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 835 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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