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Vocabulary Notes. 1. malicious 1) злобный, злой 2) злоумышленный, злонамеренный, совершённый со злым умыслом a feeling

1. malicious 1) злобный, злой 2) злоумышленный, злонамеренный, совершённый со злым умыслом a feeling, showing or caused by, ill-will or spite, as a malicious person (remark, tone, face, etc.), e.g. How can


you set the child against his parents? It's a malicious thing to do. Why do you always speak ill about all your comrades? Don't be so malicious.

malice злоба, злой умысел n active ill-will; spite; desire to harm others-; bear smb. malice wish smb. harm, e.g. I bear you no malice.

2. match 1) равный по силам противник, достойный соперник 2) вещь или предмет, подходящие к другой или составляющие с ней пару 3) пара (предметов, людей) 4) а) партия; пара (при женитьбе) б) брак; бракосочетание 5) сочетание 6) матч, соревнование, состязание 7) а) сговор б) пари n 1) a game; a contest of skill, strength, etc. 2) a person who is able to meet another as an equal (in skill, strength, intellect, etc.), e.g. He has met his match. Soon it became clear that the younger boy was quite a match for the big one. 3) a person or thing that is exactly like another, or that agrees or corresponds perfectly, e.g. The coat and the hat are a good match (i.e. agree in colour and style), 4) a marriage, e.g. I'm told they are going to make a match of it (i.e. they are going to get married). 5) a person considered from the point of view of marriage, e.g. He is a very good match.

3. treacherous 1) вероломный, изменнический, предательский 2) ненадёжный; непрочный (о поверхности) a 1) false; untrustworthy; disloyal, as a treacher ous friend 2) betraying smb.'s trust; involving disloyalty, as a treach erous action 3) appearing good, but not to be depended on, as treach erous weather, a treacherous smile, e.g. The mountain roads were enveloped in such a treacherous fog that driving at night involved a serious risk.

treachery вероломство, измена, предательство n treacherous action; act of betraying smb., e.g. No one knew yet by whose treachery it was that the deepest secrets of the family had become public property. Syn. betrayal, e.g. This act of his was a betrayal of all that they both had held sacred.

treacherousness вероломство; предательство; измена; ненадёжность n quality of being treacherous, e.g. Before that incident I hadn't been aware of the latent treacherousness in his na­ture. Note: An act of treachery is described by the verb betray, e. g. You may be confident that I'll never betray your secret. A person guilty of treachery is described by the noun traitor, e.g. Mrs. Cheveley knew that Sir Robert Chiltern had begun his political career as a traitor, by selling a Cabinet secret for a considerable sum of money.

4. deceive 1) а) обманывать; сознательно вводить в заблуждение б) обманывать, вводить в заблуждение, сбивать с толку 2) (deceive oneself) обманываться, вводить себя в заблуждение 3) изменять vt cause smb. to believe what is not true, e.g. Don't try to deceive me, I know what really happened.

deception обман, жульничество; ложь; измышления, неправда, хитрость n the act of deceiving or being deceived, e.g. There are few things as difficult to forgive as deception; self-deception самообман believ­ing something not because it is true but because one wants to believe it, e.g. With a shock I realized that she didn't lie when she told ev­erybody about her coming marriage; she half-believed it herself: it was a pitiful case of self-deception самообмана. Syn. deceit n Word Discrimination: deception, deceit 1) обман 2) хитрость; лживость.

Deception and deceit are closest when used in the meaning of act of deceiving. Yet, even in this case there is a difference. Cf. The boy’s


deceit made his mother very unhappy. (Deceit here implies telling lies.) As a politician he often practised deception. (Deception implies making false promises, producing a false impression, treacherous tricks, cheating, etc.) Deceit maybe also used as a characteristic of a person, e.g. Deceit is quite foreign to her nature.

Deception и deceitблизки, когда употребляется в значении действия введения в заблуждение. Однако даже в этом случае есть разница. Ср. The boy’s deceit made his mother very unhappy (Deceit здесь, подразумевает ложь.) As a politician he often practised deception. (Deception подразумевает ложные обещания, произведение ложного впечатления, коварные уловки, обман и т.д.) Deceit может быть также использован в качестве характеристики человека, например Deceit is quite foreign to her nature.

deceitful 1) неискренний, лживый; предательский, коварный; изменнический 2) вводящий в заблуждение; обманчивый, ложный

deceptive обманчивый, вводящий в заблуждение a deceiving, producing a false impression, e.g. Appear­ances are deceptive. The evidence against him was rather deceptive.

5. breed (bred, bred) 1) вынашивать (детёнышей); высиживать (птенцов) 2) размножаться, плодиться 3) порождать, вызывать 4) выводить, разводить (животных); вскармливать 5) воспитывать, обучать 6) возникать, появлятьсяvt\) give birth to young, e.g. Rabbits breed quickly. Birds breed in spring. 2) cause animals, birds, etc. to have young by choosing pairs (male and female) and bringing them to gether, e.g. He makes a living by breeding horses. 3) bring up, look after, teach, educate, e.g. It is a heroic country indeed that breeds such sons. He's an Englishman born and bred (i.e. by birth and edu cation). 4) be the cause of, e.g. War breeds misery and ruin. Famil iarity breeds contempt. Syn. bring up (соrr. noun upbringing воспитание).

breeding 1) разведение, выращивание (животных, растений) 2) размножение 3) происхождение, родословная; предки 4) хорошие манеры, воспитанность; образованность 5) расширенное воспроизводство ядерного топлива n good manners and behaviour; knowledge given by training and education, e.g. He's a man of fine breeding. Word Discrimination: upbringing, breeding.

Upbringing denotes process, breeding denotes result,

well-bred 1) благовоспитанный; обходительный, любезный; имеющий хорошие манеры 2) породистый, чистокровный (о животном) a having or showing good manners

ill-bred грубый, невоспитанный a badly brought up, rude, e.g. A well-bred person is always mindful of others, an ill-bred one is so absorbed in himself, that the rest of the world might as well not exist.

6. fait h 1)вера, доверие 2) вера, вероисповедание 3) честность; верность, лояльность 4)обещание, ручательство, слово n 1) trust, confidence, reliance, e.g. Faith means believing something without proof. Have you any faith in what he tells you? Robert shot himself because he had lost faith in the people surrounding him. put one's faith in smth. (smb.) trust; feel confidence in smth. (smb.), e.g. I advise you not to put your faith in such a remedy. 2) a system of religious belief, as the Christian or Mohammedan faiths

faithful 1) верный, преданный; стойкий 2) верующий, правоверный 3) добросовестный, сознательный, честный 4) обязывающий 5) точный, совпадающий a loyal; keeping faith; deserving trust, as a faithful friend, a faithful wife

unfaithful 1) а) вероломный, изменнический, предательский б) неверный, изменяющий (в любви, супружестве) 2) неточный; недостоверный 3) неверующий; неверный a treacherous; be (un)faithful to smb. (often applied to husband or wife)

faithfulness ) верность, преданность; лояльность 2) достоверность, точность 3) добросовестность n loyalty, the quality of being true to smb. or smth., e.g. His faithfulness to duty was never doubted.

7. check 1) проверять, контролировать 2) останавливать(ся); сдерживать; препятствовать 3) делать выговор; давать нагоняй 4) объявлять шах 5) амер. отмечать галочкой 6) амер. сдавать (вгардероб,вкамеру хранения,вбагаж и т. п. ) vt 1) examine a thing to find out whether it is accurate, usually by comparing it with something else, e.g. Will you check these figures (see that they are right)? check on smb. (smth.) начинать работу; приступать к работе try and find out whether the previous information or knowledge about


smb. or smth. is true to fact, e.g. "Here are some names and address­es of people who were witnesses," said the police inspector. "Of course, they'll have to be checked on." 2) hold back, control, stop, e.g. We have checked the advance of the enemy. He couldn't check his anger.

check 1) контроль, проверка 2) обследование, исследование 3) критерий (оценки и проверки) 4) контрольный штемпель; отметка, галочка (знак проверки) 5) ярлык; багажная квитанция 6) номерок (в гардеробе) 7) счёт в ресторане 8) контрамарка; корешок (билета) 9) фишка, марка 10) = cheque 11) шах (в шахматах) 12) задержка; пауза, перерыв; внезапная остановка 13) отпор, отражение нападения 14) ограничение, сдерживание; контроль 15) клетка (на ткани); клетчатая ткань 16) делянка 17) трещина, щель (в дереве) 18) = check-rein мартингал (в верховой езде) n 1) a control; a person or thing that keeps back or makes it impossible to do things, e.g. Wind acts as a check on speed, keep (hold) in check control, e.g. Human emotions are held in check by social convention. 2) a sudden stop or delay, e.g. Tom's illness gave a check to our plans. His ambitions received a sharp check. 3) an examination of the accuracy of a thing, e.g. If we both add up the figures, your result will be a check on mine. 4) a ticket or a piece of paper, wood or metal with a number on it given in return for smth. (for hats and coats in a theatre, for bags, luggage, etc.)

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