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Compose two dialogues using the word combinations and phrases. Mind the intonation patterns in the stimuli and responses to convey proper attitudes

11.Translate the following sentences into English using the word combinations and phrases:

1. До чего смешной рассказ, правда?— К сожалению, я не разделяю твоего мнения. This story is too funny for words, isn’t it? Unfortunately, I do not share your opinion. 2. Ваш сын в совершенстве владеет немецким языком. — Мне приятно это слышать. Your son has command with of German. - I am pleased to hear that. 3. Фасад театра был увешан афишами. The front of the theater was hung with playbills. 4. Оратора прервали, и следующего оратора тоже никто не захотел слушать. The speaker was cut short, and nobody wanted to listen to the next speaker. 5. Я больше не намерен мириться с этим! I'm not going to put up with it anymore! 6. Он не привык к этому климату, не мог приспособиться к нестерпимому зною. He was not accustomed to this climate, could not adapt to the unbearable heat. 7. Он кончил говорить, и в зале воцарилась тишина. He had finished speaking, and the hall sank into silence. 8. Движимый жалостью, он взял ребенка на руки и стал ему что-то рассказывать в надежде успокоить его. Moved by pity, he took the child in his arms and began to talk him something to in the hope to calm him.

12. Answer the following questions:

1. What was the salon гостиная like? 2. In what part of the hall did Andrew and Rosa have seats and how did they reach them? 3. What did An­drew promise himself? 4. Describe in detail the way the film "Moth­ers of Broadway" was advertized. 5. Describe "the big picture" and the impression it made on Andrew and on Rosa. Which of them do you think was right? Motivate your opinion. 6. What did Rosa think of Andrew? 7. How did Andrew react to Rosa not liking the film? 8. Why did Rosa fail to reply with gentleness?

Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 651 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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