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EXERCISES. 1. a) Listen to the recording of Text Three and mark the stresses and tunes

1. a) Listen to the recording of Text Three and mark the stresses and tunes.
b| Repeat the text in the intervals after the model.

2. Consult a dictionary, transcribe the following words and practise their pro­nunciation:

Marble мраморный, luxury , voluptuous чувственное, obscurity темнота, inquiry расследование, следствие, apron авансцена, confident­ly уверенно, доверительно, gaiety dtc`kjcnm, chorus , partition раздел, разделение, chocolate, uniform , diagonally по диагонали, oblong продолговатость, gallery, amphitheatre , radiance сияние, exit , bowl, dissolve наплыв, record , automo­bile , vibrant вибрирующий, metallic , yolk желток, dynamite , dialogue, contemptuous презрительный, sil­houetted вырисовывающиеся, abject жалкий


3. Practise the pronunciation of the following compound words paying atten­tion to stresses:

'tea-spoon, 'bull's-eye, 'dress.circle, 'background, 'pot-plants, 'stage,apron авансцена, 'rapid-'fire, 'heart-.searing, 'heart-throbs, 'thrill-'thirsty, 'heart-string(s), 'water-butt, 'mix-'up, 'hard-'worked, a 'hard-worked 'dog, 'black 'eye

4. Read the following word combinations paying attention to the phonetic phe­nomena of connected speech (assimilation, linking "r", lateral and nasal plosions, loss of plosion):

a short marble мраморная staircase лестница; in the dim region в тусклом царстве; here and there; you're a swell отличный kid; a murmur приглушённый шум голосов in the audience; stood back to let them squeeze протиснуться; surveyed осмотрела the dim amphitheater; in the hope of; some of their acquain­tances знакомых; in the dress circle бельэтаж; she noted that the cinema; on the white background; it isn't the big picture; no further inquiries; a shower of small stars; filled the whole screen; sent thrills down the spine; packed with heart-throbs; in this tale of thrill-thirsty young bloods; in the mightiest drama ; then the eggs tumbled; he squeezed протиснулся that yolk желток; and then the lean chap

5.Read the following sentences out loud; beginning with "Back in this dim re­gion of luxury...", "Out of a door marked "Circle"..." and "Down swung a looped curtain...". Beat the time and observe all phonetic phenomena of connected speech. Use proper intonation patterns.

6. Study the following proverbs, a) Translate them into Russian or supply their Russian equivalents, b) Practise their reading paying attention to the sound.{ai] and the intonation; beat the time:

1. Beauty lies in lover's eyes. Не красивая красива, а любимая. Не по-хорошу мил, а по-милу хорош. 2. A stitch in time saves nine. То, что делается своевременно, экономит много труда впоследствии. 3. Once bitten, twice shy. Пуганая ворона куста боится. 4. Let bygones be bygones. Кто старое помянет, тому глаз вон. 5. Out of sight, out of mind. С глаз долой - из сердца вон. 6. Velvet paws hide velvet claws. Бархатные лапки скрывают острые когти. 7. Salt water and absence wash away love. Любовь пропадает во время долгого плавания. 8. Time and tide wait for no man. Время не ждёт. 9. Idleness rusts the mind. Труд человека кормит, а лень портит.

7. Read the text and consider its following aspects, a) Comment upon the choice of words:

in this dim region of luxury (why not "dark"?); a trim girl... silently emerged, glanced at the tickets, and admitted them (why not "silently appeared , looked at the tickets, and let them in"); several faces glared at them (whynot "looked"?).


b)Point out formal (learned) words and colloquialisms in the first three para­graphs. Explain how their use is motivated by the nature of the context in which they occur.

c) Explain:

treading ступая without sound on a rich carpet... that yielded пружинил like spring­ing пружинистый turf дёрн; a hot darkness... speared diagonally by a shaft лучом of white light; in this dim region of luxury , quite still except for the soft whirring жужжания of fans вентиляторов; a draped girl swam into view; the curtain rattled back; it was a rapid-fire drama ; it was a heart-searing tale; supercharged automo­biles; it was... packed with heart-throbs, tingling with reality, vibrant вибрирующий with от love and hate; thrill-thirsty young bloods; what a mix-up; per­haps they faked симулировали some of it; talk about Peter Pan; the retort возражение shaped itself and was uttered before she had command власть of it

d)Select from the first three paragraphs sentences through which the author, by implication, introduces the reader into the relations between Rosa and Andrew. What can be deduced about their relations?

e) Make a thorough stylistic analysis of the extract describing the advertise­ ment film. Which elements strike you as particularly effective and why? Exempli­fy the author's use of vivid stylistic devices. Comment on the syntax of the extract. How is the description arranged from the point of view of tempo? What is the au­thor's attitude to the described film? (Prove your point.)

f) Comment on Andrew's words "Not much good, I expect" in relation to the preceding paragraph. What change in the atmosphere is created by the words?

g) Make a thorough stylistic analysis of the description of the "big" picture. Compare it with the description of the advertisement film. What is the difference in the treatment and style?

h) Point out passages given in non-personal direct speech. What is the effect achieved?

Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 789 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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