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A) Here are some helpful hints how to read better and faster. (Certainly it is not a course of speed reading.)

1. Approach the printed page with an active mind. Ask questions of your author and search for the answers.

2. Ask yourself how the material that you are reading relates to what you knew before, and how it compares with what you thought before.

3. Make use of the various clues provided to suggest the main ideas. These include the table of contents, the chapter headings, paragraph headings, topic sentences, words and phrases in italics or heavy type, and similar devices.


4. You can train yourself, with practice, to "skim" what you read; that is to move your eye rapidly down the lines to pick up the key words. You are really reading, not while your eyes are moving, but while they "fix" upon a word or group of words. In order to read rapidly, you must get as much meaning as possible from every "stop".

b)Write a few more helpful hints to improve one's reading skill if you know any.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 427 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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