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IV. Obviously the short story can be regarded as a most suitable literary genre for foreign-language learning. Brevity is a significant point, because it allows the


class to focus on the story even within a single class period and within the limits of one textbook unit, a) List the requirements to the short story to be used as sub­ject matter for study at your level, b) Say what you consider to have been the best technique of working with a short story during your course of study.

V. a) Adapt any short story you like for the 9th/10th form. (Be sure it introduc­es some "culture element"), b) Make it suitable for reading after some particular lesson, c) Make a list of essential vocabulary, d) Write questions covering the sto­ry to be asked in class.

VI. Prepare yourself to conduct a micro-lesson on oral and written reproduc­tion. Prepare a suitable story and write comprehension questions covering it. The story should be read over to the class twice. Don't forget to write the proper nouns and place names on the board. The following classroom expressions may come in handy:

1. I'm going to read it over again. 2. And now you'll have to do some writing. 3. Try to assemble your thoughts first. 4. These idioms will add a little colour to your work. 5. Don't write in the margin. 6. Be sure your paper has a name on it. 7. Form the letters clearly. 8. In­dent the line which begins a paragraph . 9. High time to hand in your papers! 10. Your time is up. 11. I'm going to mark them this week.


Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 519 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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