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A) Listen to the recording of Text Two and mark the stresses and tunes, b) Repeat the text in the intervals after the model

2.Consult a dictionary, transcribe the following words and practise their pro­nunciation:

Inevitable неизбежный, menacingly угрожающе, necessity , quay причал, набережная стоянка, extricate выпутаться, experience, dispossess выселять, лишить собственности, prudence [pru:dns] осмотрительность, pathos , hazard [′hжzəd] опасность, apparently [ə′pжrəntlɪ], persuade убеждать, callous чёрствый, dreadfully, scheming интригующий, angel, cheque, pathetic , jewel , acutely остро, sol­emn торжественный, oath клятвой, quandary затруднительное положение, release освободить, assess оценивать, immoderately чрезмерно, gesture , restau­rant , sympathetic , chamber [′tʃeɪmbə] комната, agent , basement подвал, основание, attic классический, tiring изнурительный, patience , perseverance настойчивость, innumerable , reconsider переменить, endurance выносливость, revolt восстание, мятеж, content суть, сущность, assiduous усердный, прилежный, messenger курьер, herewith настояним, посредством этого

3. Read the following word combinations paying attention to different types of assimilation and the linking "r":

and the necessity for immediate action; round the world; at the selfsame port; that dispossessed лишило Roger of his common sense; on the point of filling with tears; between the hazards опасностей of life and this help-: less little thing; she twice trumped my best card; his eyes were opened; he swore поклялся a solemn торжественный oath клятвой; in her appealing way; people are apt склонны to think; in the basement; made the house unsuitable; they climbed thousands of stairs; but it did not affect the gentleness of his reply; we'll be married the very moment we find a house

4.Read the following sentences: beginning with "I have always been con­ vinced...", "Not always that..." and "Mrs. Barlow, for she was twice a widow....". Divide them into intonation groups; read them using proper intonation patterns
and beating the time; mind strong and weak forms of form words and all the pho­netic phenomena of connected speech.

5.Read the following extracts: from "When Roger told me,..." up to "...as hard as nails", from "If you don't find a house soon,..." up to "...sixty houses on them", and from "Mrs. Barlow had the patience of an angel..." up to "...Ruth Barlow took to her bed" paying attention to the intonation of the stimuli and responses in the dialogues. Convey proper attitudes by using adequate intonation patterns.

6.Read the text and consider its following aspects:

a) What is the relation of the opening passage of the story (ending "... from whom he had fled") to the main plot? Comment on the syntax of the second sen­tence ("Not always that;..."); justify its length.


b)What would be lost if the sentence "but Ruth Barlow had a 'gift' (or should I call it a 'quality1?) that renders most men defenceless" were written "but Ruth Bar­low had a 'quality1 that renders most men defenceless..."? What does the device of contrasting 'quality' to 'gift' aim at?

c) Select from the first paragraph words and phrases characterizing Ruth Bar­low. What is the attitude implied? What method of characterization is used here? Point out cliches. Why does the author use them? How do they colour Roger's at­tachment to Ruth?

d)Analyse the rhythm in the sentence beginning "If she married a husband..." and the effect achieved. Indicate the stylistic devices in "She never had a little lamb but it was sure to die".

e)What method (or methods) of characterization is used in the fragment be­ginning "I couldn't say less...", ending "...when next we met"? Is this description of Ruth in full accord with the one givea in the first paragraph? If not, what is the reason? Explain "as hard as nails ".

f) Exemplify the author's use of vivid epithets in the character of Ruth Barlow. Which features of hers do they accentuate?

g) Point out instances of irony. (Is it irony or humour? Prove your point.)

h) What is the purpose of the parenthesis in "...she would (in her appealing way) assess оценивать her wounded раненые feelings..."?

i) Comment on the sentence structure in "Sometimes they were too large...". What is the effect achieved?

Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 962 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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