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VIII. Make up the dialogues. Roleplay the situation

You seem to have been ill. You are phoning the clinic and making an appointment with the doctor.

IX. Tell the story about visiting the doctor. Stages for actions:

a) A patient enters the room and tells the doctor what he (she) is suffering from.

b) The doctor asks the patient to strip to the waist and examines him (her).

c) The patient asks the doctor what’s wrong with him. He seems to be worried.

d) The doctor tries to comfort the patient and writes out a prescription.

The following phrases will help you: tomake an appointment with adoctor; to go to a chemist’s; to have an accident; to be short of breath, to breathe in deeply/to make deep breath; to have a nervous breakdown; to keep to a diet (of…), to be on/go on/to follow a diet; to have a prescription (medicine, mixture, etc.) made up; to take medicine (a spoonful of, etc.); to be wrong with (one’s heart, lungs, etc.)/ to have something wrong with; to be laid up; to feel sick (and giddy); to have a heart attack; to check/ to sound smb’s heart, lungs, etc.; to be on sick leave/to get sick leave.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 594 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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