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Ecology is a science which studies the relationship between all forms of life in our planet with its environment. This word came from the Greek “oikos” which means “home”.

The Earth is our home but much of this is dirty and dying. Man cuts down more and more trees to provide paper, wood, medicines, mineral fuel. But it isn’t only trees that are disappearing. Acid rains destroy animals, insects and flowers. The main reasons of environment problems are polluted air, polluted water, solid wastes and exhaust of natural resources.

Polluted air is a topical question of our planet. We need clean air to breathe, pure water to drink, food that is safe to eat and housing to shelter us. Air becomes polluted in many ways. Cars, tracks, buses and airplanes are among the worst polluters. Air can be also polluted by smoke and gases from factories. Dirt, smoke and gases in the air are usually carried away by wind and air currents or settle over as a blanket of smoke.

Unclean air causes different diseases. They usually affect older people. But everyone can fell uncomfortable and lack of energy when the air isn’t clean. Today factories use devices to reduce the smoke, dust or harmful gases. Special kinds of refined gasoline are efficient either.

Water pollution is caused by dumping wastes into the lakes, rivers and other bodies of water. Harmful wastes get into the soil or drain off fields that have been sprayed with pesticides. Pesticides are often used to kill insects and weeds in cities or on farms. Polluted water spreads many diseases.

Every day people throw away amazing amounts of garbage and trash that is picked up by garbage trucks. These machines take the garbage to the out-of-the way places. Sometimes the trash is burnt, causing the air pollution. But a more healthy way to get rid of solid wastes is to spread them over the land and pack them back down. After that a thick layer of earth can be put down over the garbage and trees and grass can be planted.

The world’s energy comes from oil, gas, and coal. But these “ fossil fuels ” won’t last for ever. There is only enough oil and gas for next fifty years. Coal will last longer – perhaps three hundred years. And then? There are four solutions: wind energy, solar energy, wave energy (from the sea), geothermal energy (from “hot rocks” under the ground). They are clean and natural, but expensive.

Today many scientists and world leaders realize that the Earth is in danger. It’s really very simple. Either we’ll stop killing or we’ll kill ourselves. We need a cleaner, healthier planet. Millions of ordinary people – both young and old - understand this too. And what do you do to solve environment problems?

III. Answer the following questions:

1. What does the word “ecology” mean?

2. What pollutes the air we breathe?

3. How can air pollution affect our health?

4. What can be done to help cut down air pollution?

5. How does water get polluted?

6. What is wrong with dumping garbage in open dumps?

7. What other healthy ways of getting rid of solid wastes do you know?

8. What is “acid rain”?

9. What can you say about environment problems in our country?

IV. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Живя в обществе, мы можем решать проблемы сохранения своего здоровья только сообща.

2. Работающие предприятия коптят и дымят, причем некоторые газы, которые они выбрасывают в небо, могут оставаться невидимыми.

3. Отходы, которые сливают в реки, озера и другие водоемы, загрязняют воду.

4. Загрязненная вода – источник болезней.

5. Ежедневно люди выбрасывают невероятное количество мусора и хлама. Иногда этот хлам сжигается, загрязняя при этом воздух.

6. Запасов нефти и газа осталось лет на пятьдесят. Угля – побольше, а что потом?

V. Match the words:

1. medicine

2. lack

3. gasoline

4. bodies of water

5. efficient

6. community

7. harmful gases

8. blanket of smoke

9. amazing

10. ordinary

a. общество

b. поразительный

c. недостаток

d. отравляющее вещество

e. бензин

f. продуктивный

g. заурядный

h. водоемы

i. лекарства

j. пелена дыма

VI. Join the following definitions with correct answers:

1. the variety of a solid fuel

2. one of water bodies

3. illness (syn.)

4. water full of unhealthy substances

5. waste products

6. greenery

7. living creatures

8. the universe where people are able to live

9. ground

10. useless grass on the vegetable patch

a. weeds

b. garbage

c. animals, fish, insects

d. the Earth

e. coal

f. soil

g. disease

h. lake

i. bushes, grass, trees

j. polluted water

Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 697 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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