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Our University

Karaganda State Technical University is one of the leading technical higher schools in Kazakhstan. It is quite large but not very old.

It was founded in 1953 as a Mining institute. Yunus Nurmukhamedov, an assistant professor of the Moscow Mining Institute, became its first rector. First there were only 2 specialties at the Institute: mining mineral deposits and mining electromechanical engineering. The students body amounted to 209 and the teaching staff was 26.

In 1955 the Institute was headed by Abylkas Saginov, a young scientist, a Master of technical sciences. The development of industry in Central Kazakhstan demanded more highly qualified specialists. A. Saginov greatly contributed to the development of the Mining Institute. There appeared 26 new specialties. And in 1958 the Mining Institute was reorganized into a Polytechnic one. Serious attention was paid to training the personnel and the most talented students were sent to central higher educational establishments of the USSR. As a result some scientific schools appeared at the Institute. In 1969 the Institute was the first in Kazakhstan to begin training specialists in creating software products.

For the success achieved in training specialists for our national economy the Institute was awarded an Order of Labour Red Banner in 1976. A.Saginov headed the Institute more than thirty years. He became an academician, a Hero of Socialist Labour.

In 1994 G.G.Piven, a professor, a Doctor of technical sciences, an academician, was appointed rector of the Institute. A program of developing the Institute was created, and soon the Institute turned into a center of education and science. There appeared a technical lyceum for schoolchildren with educational requirements of first seven years of schooling, a boarding-school “Murager” for talented children, a college of information technologies and business to train specialists having a secondary vocational education, a faculty of shortened period of study for college-leavers, a faculty of urgently required professions for getting a second higher education.

Karaganda State Technical University

In 1996 the Polytechnic Institute got a new status and was renamed into Karaganda State Technical University.

Nowadays the University has 12 faculties. It trains specialists in more than 50 specialties. It has post-graduate courses in 14 specialties. More than 10,000 students, are currently enrolled, mostly full time students. There are about 700 teachers among which are 50 doctors of sciences, professors, 42 academicians and corresponding members.

It has the largest scientific technical library containing more than 1.6 mln. volumes of educational, scientific, reference, and fiction books by home and foreign authors. It has wide connections with information centers of the country.

KarSTU is a school for displaying creative abilities of young people. There are students’ scientific societies, debate sections, a club of merry and ingenious people (KVN), amateur groups, students’ building groups, etc.

The University has a powerful sports complex including 5 sports grounds, 7 specialized sports halls for going in for popular kinds of sport. Regional and republic matches in 15 kinds of sport are held here.

The University has a fine sports-health base “Polytechnic” in Karkaralinsk. Every year more than 1,000 students and teachers have a good rest there. The students have the practical work in geology and geodesy there as well.

Now there are about 1,400 computers in the University united in the local network. The University has its own channel in the Internet, its own site, a laboratory of sputnik digital television. It has a center of distance education. All these are at the disposal of both the teachers and the students of the University.

The University keeps in close touch with higher educational institutions, scientific centers and industrial enterprises of Kazakhstan, other republics of the CIS and foreign countries to improve the teaching process and to meet the up-to-date requirements of production. In 2004 the University was the first among the higher educational establishments of Kazakhstan to get an international certificate for developing a quality management system. In 2005 the University was awarded a gold medal “For high quality in business practice” (Switzerland).

The Faculties of the University:

The Mining Faculty Горный факультет
Its specialties: Специальности
1) Mining 1) Горное дело
2) Geodesy and Mapping 2) Геодезия и картография
The Faculty of Power Engineering, Communication and Automation Факультет электроэнергетики, связи и автоматизации
Its specialties: Специальности
1) Automation and control 1) Автоматизация и управление
2) Heat power engineering 2) Теплоэнергетика
3) Electric power engineering 3) Электроэнергетика
4) Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications 4) Радиотехника, электроника и телекоммуникации
The Machine -Building Faculty Машиностроительный факультет
Its specialties: Специальности
1) Metallurgy 1) Металлургия
2) Materials studying and new materials technologies 2) Материаловедение и технология новых материалов
3) Machine-building 3) Машиностроение
4) Technology of machines and equipment 4) Технология машин и обoрудования
5) Standardization, metrology and certification 5) Стандартизация, метрология и сертификация
The Road-Transport Faculty Транспортно-дорожный факультет
Its specialties: Специальности
1) Transport, transportation engineering and technologies 1) Транспорт, транспортная техника и технология
2) Organization of transportation, traffic and transport usage 2) Организация перевозок, движения эксплуатации транспорта
The Civil Engineering Faculty Инженерно-строительный факультет
Its specialties: Специальности
1) Architecture 1) Архитектура
2) Construction 2) Строительство
3) Production of building materials, articles and structures 3) Производство строительных материалов, изделий и конструкций
The Faculty of Economy and Management Факультет экономики и менеджмента
Its specialties: Специальности
1) Economics 1) Экономика
2) Management 2) Менеджмент
3) Accountingand audit 3) Учет и аудит
4) Marketing 4) Маркетинг
5) Consumer services 5) Бытовые услуги и сервис
The Faculty of Information Technologies Факультет информационных технологий
Its specialties: Специальности
1) Information systems 1) Информационные системы
2) Computer science and software   2) Вычислительная техника и программное обеспечение
3) Instrument – making 3) Приборостроение
Correspondence-and-Distance Faculty Факультет заочно-дистанционного обучения
The Preparatory Faculty Факультет довузовской подготовки
The Faculty of Shortened Term of Studying Факультет сокращенного срока обучения

III. Find out the sentences which correspond to the text. Correct the wrong sentences in accordance with the text:

1. The first name of the University was a Mining Institute.

2. In 1955 the Institute became a University.

3. The first rector of the Mining Institute was G.G.Piven.

4. The Polytechnic Institute turned into the center of science and education.

5. The most talented students of the Polytechnic Institute were sent to study abroad.

6. The University has the largest technical library.

7. There is no sports base at the University.

8. There is a fine sports – health base in Karkaralinsk.

9. All the computers of the University are connected to the Internet.

10. The activity of the University has been marked by some rewards recently.

IV. Give English equivalents to the words in brackets:

1.The most (талантливый) students were sent to central (высшие учебные

заведения) of the USSR.

2. (В результате) some scientific schools appeared at the Institute.

3. And soon the Institute turned into (центр образования и науки).

4. (Факультет сокращенного срока обучения) was opened for (выпускников колледжей).

5. The library contains a great number of (томов) of educational, scientific,

reference books.

6. A second higher education can be got at (факультет актуального


V. Find the corresponding translation of the words and word combinations:

А) 1) at the disposal of 2) cultural values 3) distance education 4) sports-health base 5) reference books 6) students’ building groups   B) 1) студенческие научные общества 2) член-корреспондент 3) быть награжденным 4) быть назначенным 5) творческие способности 6) заниматься спортом a) справочники b) студенческие строительные отряды c) спортивно-оздоровительная база d) в распоряжении e) дистанционное образование f) культурные ценности   a) to be awarded b) to go in for sport c) creative abilities d) students’ scientific societies e) corresponding member f) to be appointed

VI. Translate the sentences into English:

1. Университет первым получил международный сертификат за разработку системы менеджмента качества.

2. Колледж информационных технологий и бизнеса готовит специалистов со средним специальным образованием.

3. В институте появилась школа-интернат для одаренных детей.

4. В геологическом музее хранится уникальная коллекция минералов.

5. Университет поддерживает тесные связи с научными центрами Казахстана и других стран.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 519 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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