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Wales - an architect who is to design a house, Bob - a client, Sandra - his wife

W. Now I've made sure that the main services - water and electricity are available in Manchester. So there is nothing to worry about. I'd like to discuss with you the interior design. Shall we start with the downstairs or the upstairs?

S. Downstairs, please.

W. Here is a rough plan of the ground floor. The hall and the kitchen are on the side facing the road. The living-room and the dining room are on the south, with side windows looking on the garden. They'll get all the sunshine, of course.

B. We agreed to combine the living-room and the dining-room, didn't we?

W. Yes. You'll see I've not put a wall between the two rooms. The division can be made by built-in bookshelves on the living-room side and cupboards and more shelves on the dining-room side.

S. An excellent idea! I like built-in furniture. It saves space, and is cheaper. We won't have to buy separate pieces of furniture.

W. You are right, Sandra. Now I'll go ahead. Here's the hall and the stairs. There is a door from the hall into the living-room here, and another door on the right into the kitchen. On the left side of the hall there is a cloak-room with a wash-basin in it, and next to it a lavatory.

B. That all seems very convenient. As for the kitchen I'm afraid there won't be enough light. What can we do about it?

W. The door on the west side can be half glass, if you like. This door is for the tradesmen. If you look at the sketch, you'll see here's a path from the gate to the front door. Here's the garage, on the west side of the house. There is also a wide path from the road strait to the garage. You can have a concrete surface - or tarmac. There is also a door in the kitchen which leads to a cellar.

S. Isn't it wonderful, darling? Now let's have a look at the upstairs rooms.

W. O.K. The two large bedrooms are on the south. The small bedroom's on the north. Each of them has a large closet so there is no need for separate wardrobes. Here's the bathroom, and the W.C. next to it.

B. We were discussing lighting last time we saw you, Wales. Will that be all right?

W. You say you don't want standard lamps or table lamps, so I've arranged for indirect lighting in the living-room. The cables will be built into the wall. There will be also several power points at the lower parts of the walls for the vacuum-cleaner, TV-set, CD-player and other appliances.

B. Oh, there is one thing I forgot to ask about the kitchen. Most of the kitchen furniture will be built-in, won't it?

W. Yes, the sink and the draining boards will be under the windows. The electric cooker must be on the corner, so there'll be plenty of space for a refrigerator, a washing-machine and a dishwasher.

S. The kitchen is going to be marvelous.

W. I assume we’ve settled the exterior of the house, haven’t we? Red bricks for the wall and red tiles for the roof. You are having a fireplace in the living-room – on the east wall. Is there anything you’d like to ask me about?

S. I don’t think so. Thank you so much.

B. Please, let me know when the builders, carpenters, plumbers start work. We’ll want to go and see our house going up.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 601 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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