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National Government

Ukraine is an independent state since adoption of the Declaration on State Sovereignty of Ukraine on July 16, 1990.

According to the Constitution of Ukraine adopted on June 28, 1996 Ukraine has a democratic political system. The powers of the government are divided into the legislative (consisting of the Verkhovna Rada), the executive (headed by the President) and the judicial (led by the Supreme Court).

The Verkhovna Rada is the only body of the legislative power in Ukraine. It includes 450 deputies who are elected for a term of four years. The Verkhovna Rada adopts the State Budget and controls the execution of it.

The President is the head of the state. The people of Ukraine elect the President to a five-year term. Ukrainians 18 years old may vote.

The President is assisted by a Cabinet, which the President appoints. A Prime Minister heads the Cabinet. The Cabinet carry out domestic and foreign policy of the state, the implementation of the Constitution, etc.

The Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court represent the judicial power. They watch over the executive and legislative powers. They are nominated by the Verkhovna Rada. The Constitutional Court has the right to declare laws and actions of the national and local governments unconstitutional.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 344 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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