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Good health is a great blessing. Everyone should do all to stay healthy. Being in a good health means having both body and mind in a good working state free from disease and pain. As a proverb says: “A sound mind is in a sound body.”

In my opinion there’s nothing more unpleasant than being ill. I can say that I enjoy a good health. But… if sometimes I happen to fall ill, I either go to a doctor or a doctor is called to examine me.

It was an early spring when I caught a severe cold last time. I was caught in the rain unawares and got soaked to the skin. I had not got even a dry stitch on. At home my mummy told me to take a hot bath immediately and drink three cups of strong tea with a lemon and raspberry jam. I did everything but… it didn’t do.

At night I felt myself quite unwell. I began coughing and could not sleep. I was cold. Then I understood that it was either a cold or the flu. In the morning when I took my temperature it was very high-39.5.

My mother called a doctor immediately. When he came he asked me what had happened with me. I began complaining of aching all over. I had a fever and a splitting headache. My nose was stuffed up. It was very difficult for me to breathe in deeply. I felt a pain in my chest. To make the matter worse, I could not swallow freely. I was coughing and sneezing all the time. I felt more dead than alive. The doctor seemed concerned and asked me to sit in bed and strip to the waist. Then he listened to my heart and lungs, checked my pulse and had a thorough look at my throat.

He concluded that it was a severe cold. But I could recover soon if followed his instructions.

He was interested if I was allergic to antibiotics or any other drugs. But I could not tell him a definite “yes”. For, some years ago I had some allergic complications after taking aspirin.

Then, the doctor told me to stay in bed and wrote out the prescription for the new half-natural pressed tablets called “Coldstop”. They were approved and recommended by the International Association of Medical professionals. He explained that “Coldstop” was considered to work faster and be more effective.

I’d to take 2 tablets 4 times a day washed down by 1-2 cups of warm tea. In between taking these tablets I was advised to drink a lot of hot milk with honey and butter. Keeping to a diet of salads and fruits that is called the healthy eating is the next and the most preferable way to soon recovery. “An apple a day keeps a doctor away”.

The doctor promised me full recovery in 10 days in case I followed his recommendations. I was an obedient patient; I did everything he prescribed me. In 2 or 3 days my temperature became normal and the cough disappeared gradually. And in 2 weeks I was as fit as a fiddle.

After my successful recovery I decided to change my way of life. What’s pleasure in being ill and taking different tablets. It is never late to start going in for sports. I’m sure all sorts of physical exercises are so helpful. They make our bodies strong as well as keep us well mentally.

So, if we want to keep ourselves fit, we ought to go in for sports. Our health is in our hands.

3.Answer the questions:

1. What happened to the narrator?

2. How did he feel?

3. How did the doctor examine him?

4. What remedy did the doctor write out for the patient?

5. How did the narrator try to recover?

6. The narrator was an obedient patient, wasn’t he?

7. How do you usually behave when you fall ill?

4. Explain how you understand the proverbs:

ü Health is not valued till sickness comes.

ü A sound mind is in a sound body.

ü An apple a day keeps a doctor away.

ü Good health is above wealth.

ü One hour’s sleep before midnight is worth two after.

ü Prevention is better than cure.

ü Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

ü What can’t be cured must be endured.

Memory work:

For every evil under the sky

There is a remedy, or there is none.

If there be one, try to find it,

If there be none never mind it.

5.Make up a story illustrating the following proverbs:

Health is not valued till sickness comes.

Health is better than wealth.

Prevention is better than cure.

6. Insert prepositions or post-verbal adverbs where necessary.

1.Take these tablets... your cough or you may fall ill... flu. 2.He is ill... quinzy. He has been keeping... his bed... a week already and is sure to stay... bed... another one. 3.He has a very serious complication... his heart... quinsy. 4.As you are subject... colds you must start hardening yourself. It is the best remedy... it. 5.I see you are constantly suffering... your liver. 6.Many people died either... starvation or... wounds... the war. 7.If you complain... an earache, go and have this prescription made up... the chemist’s. 8.I feel I am aching all... and running a temperature. I think we must call... a doctor.

7. Answer the following questions:

1.When were you ill last time? Did you have to keep your bed? How long did you have to keep your bed? 2.Did you call a doctor when you fell ill? What did you complain of? Did a doctor give you a sick-note? 3.How did the doctor examine you? What treatment did he prescribe? How long did it take you to get well? 4.What disease did you have in your childhood? Are you subject to cold now? 5.What do you usually take from headache? 6.Is flu an infectious disease? What other infectious diseases do you know? 7.What do we do with the doctor’s prescription? How often did you take the medicine when you were ill? Did you follow the doctor’s advice? 8.Have you ever had a complication after a disease? When was it? Are you still suffering from it?

8. Translate into English.

1.Я страждаю на безсоння. 2.Я весь час чхаю та кашляю. 3.У мене болить горло. 4.На додаток до всього я застудився. 5.Будь ласка глибоко вдихніть через ніс. 6.Приймате ці ліки по одній чайній ложці тричі на день після їжі. 7.Обіцяю вам повне одужання через два тижні. 8.Він був єдиним лікарем на швидкій в той день. 9.У мене жахливий зубний біль. 10.На мою думку, це є найкращим засобом від головного болю.

9.Speak about your last visit to the doctor.

10.a)Make a list of arguments against bad habits. Consult the table. b)Which arguments against bad habits seem most convincing to you? Place them in order of importance. Which of the arguments will you use to convince your friends or parents not to smoke or drink too much alcohol?


smoking make(s)…

drinking alcohol teeth yellow

taking drugsskin unhealthy

hair smell

clothes smell

speech unclear

brain centres sleep

Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 945 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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