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Text A. A Letter

1.Render in English

Newton Hotel, Manchester,

16th March 2002

Dear Paul,

I was very pleased to receive your letter and to hear that Frederick is coming to England. As I have been here now for some months I can probably give him a few tips about hotels here. In the first place, I advice him to book his room beforehand and not wait as I did until I arrived, only to find when I tried some of the more modestlooking hotels that every room was engaged – the hotel was full up. I had a long and weary journey before managed to get a small and rather uncomfortable room on the fourth floor in a private hotel.

But I have learnt a lot since then. When you enter the hotel ask for the reception clerk, and he or she will tell you which is your room, what floor it is on, and will give you the key. You can then sign the registration book, stating your name, address, and nationality and give your luggage to the porter or “boots”, who will take it up in the lift to your room.

After washing and changing in my room, I like to explore the hotel, discover where the bathrooms, the lounge, the breakfast room, and the dining-room are. If I am staying some time at the hotel I have a word with the head waiter, and I then find I get very good attention. When I retire for the night I put my shoes outside the bedroom door so that the boot-boy can clean them.

I hope Frederick will find these few hints of use to him; I’ll write again later. Best wishes.

Yours sincerely,

Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 471 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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