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The twins Kenneth and Victor are arguing - as usual. Their mother comes to see what is going on

1. Mum: Victor? Kenneth? What’s all that shouting about? What are ____ doing?

2. Victor: Ken’s playing with my game-boy! Give it ____ back!

3. Kenneth: It’s not your game-boy, Vic! It’s ____!

Mum: So whose game-boy is this one under the table?

4. Kenneth: Oh! Sorry, Vic. This one belongs ____ I must have dropped it ____.

Mum: Anyway, didn’t you two want to go surfing on the Internet this afternoon with Chris and Bonzo?

5.Kenneth: No, they’re no friends of _____!

Mum: Well, I saw their mother at the supermarket this morning. She said you two had invited them to come round here after school to try out your new computer.

Victor: Are you sure it was Chris and Bonzo’s mother? Mrs Brown from Number 193?

6. Mum: Of course I’m sure. I spoke to her ________.

7. Kenneth: We didn’t invite them, Mum. They must have invited _______.!

8. Mum: What’s wrong? Don’t you like them? I thought all the boys and girls in your class liked _____.

9. Victor: Most of us do, Mum, and Bonzo ______ is OK. But nobody likes Chris Brown much.

Unit 2


Discuss the following questions:

Do you think friendship plays an important part in people’s life? Why? Why not? How do you choose your friend?

Ex. 1. Read the text and find Russian equivalents or explain the following phrases:

in the company of smb; develop into mutual trust; share attitudes and values; gain confidence; more secure; exclusive relationship with smb.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-19; Прочитано: 1096 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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