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Ex. 24. Fill in during or while

1. _______ my holidays I learnt to windsurf. 2. ________ Jean was having breakfast, the telephone rang. 3. I met Mr Jones ______ he was staying with our neighbours. 4. In Britain, they usually play football ______ the winter. 5. ______ we were playing basketball, the other pupils were doing a class test. 6. I read an interesting book ______ the flight to London. 7. ______ the first week of his stay in Britain he visited a lot of interesting places. 8. _______ my brother was asleep, I went into his room and borrowed his walkman. 9. ______ we were driving through the forest, we saw several bears. 10. ______ his walk in the park he got very wet. 11. I went to Bristol ______ I was staying in England last summer. 12. She phoned her boyfriend ______ her lunch break. 13. ______ we were performing “Hamlet”, there was a fire in the school hall. 14. ______ our flight to New York the weather got worse. 15. The fans screamed all the time ______ the Rolling Stones’ concert. 16. We stopped five times ______ our drive to Scotland. 17. ______ he was taking his exams, he lost about two kilos.

Ex. 25. Fill in the right personal pronouns.


1. “I’ve lost my keys, Dad. Can _____ help ____ to find ____?” 2. “Weren’t ___ on the table in the hall this morning?” 3. “No, those were Mum’s keys. I gave ___ to Mum. My keys were in my jacket pocket, but I can’t find my jacket. Have ____ seen ____?” 4. “Your old jeans jacket? _____ think Mum gave _____ away this morning.” 5. “Gave my jacket away? _____ was my favourite jeans jacket. _______ wore ______ almost everyday - and _____ wasn’t old. Only a year or two, anyway.” 6. “There were some people at the door this morning. _____ were collecting old clothes for the Red Cross. I think Mum gave _____ your jacket - and a few of my old clothes, too.”


Дата публикования: 2014-11-19; Прочитано: 1125 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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