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Would you prefer to be the only child or one of two or three children?

Ex. 4. Match the phrases in A with those in B. More than one answer is possible. Model: I am the youngest in my family. It’s a disadvantage. Everyone tells me what to do.

A: 1. I am the youngest in my family 2. A disadvantage of being the only child is that... 3.. I have my own room 4. I get along well with my brothers and 5. The advantage of having brothers and sisters is that 6. I always fight with my brothers and sisters.... 7. Parents are tired of our conflicts.

В: a) It’s an advantage. b) It’s a disadvantage. c) you are the centre of attention d) you are not the centre of attention e) we spend a lot of time together f) I always share personal secrets with them g) they are my best friends h) everyone tells me what to do i) we fight for dominance, parents’ attention and support j) they don’t understand why we do it k) parents try to be fair 1) I can do whatever I want m) I can always get the help I need

Ex. 5. Why is family important in your life? Sum up the things that apply to you and prepare a short talk about your relations with your relatives.


Discuss the following questions:

Are there any rules in your family? What are they? Are they important for you?

Ex. 6. Think what you are allowed to do and what you have to do. Choose and tick the ideas that are true for you. Write sentences using the phrases from the box.

Model: In our family we all have household chores. I have to wash the dishes.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-19; Прочитано: 1583 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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