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Girl Barred from the Store

As fashion-conscious Gilly Woodward left Harrods last Friday, she felt proud of the $90 designer jeans that she __Just_(buy). But when Gilly, 31,__(return) to the store the next day to do some more

shopping, she _(bar) from entry because she___(wear) the same jeans. Gilly. now back home in Liverpool,__(stay) with friends in London for a few days. She explained what.__(happened).

'I_ (walk) through the swing doors, when suddenly I __(stop) by a large uniformed security guard. He _

(point) at my knees and said that my jeans____(tear) and I couldn't enter. I tried to tell him that I_(buy) them in Harrods the day before and that the torn bits were fashionable. But he _ (not listen). He told me to get out. By this time, a crowd of people____(gather). I_(leave) immediately because I never_(feel)

so embarrassed in my life.’ A spokesperson from Harrods said that the dress code__(introduce) in 1989 and it states: no beachwear, no backpacks, no torn denims.


Answer the questions: What is your favourite colour? Which do you wear in cold weather, a hat or a shawl? What stockings do you wear in winter? (cotton, wool, nylon, capron) What socks do you wear in winter? What colour is your winter coat (fur coat)? Are there pockets in it? Is there a belt on it? How many buttons are there on it? Does the scarf match the coat in colour? Do you wear gloves or mittens in cold weather? What colour are they? What do you wear in rainy weather? Do you have an umbrella to match it? Are you particular about clothes?

Do you wear a bathing suit when you swim? Or do you swim naked? Do you prefer clothes with long or short sleeves?

Do you prefer wearing skirts or trousers? What is more convenient for you?

Do your children have many T-shirts?

Are your shoes high-heeled or low-heeled? Why?

What is your everyday dress? (jeans, sneakers)


Дата публикования: 2014-11-19; Прочитано: 1374 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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