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Russia will be compelled to open the key services markets, that will damage the national interests

Any WTO partner does not require the complete liberali­zation of services markets yet. There are some measures in the project of the Russian obligations. The application of these measures can remove the negative effect of the foreign competition even in case of the complete opening of the certain services markets. The access for the foreign suppliers is now

limited only in 6 sectors of services. In critical cases Russia can quit the obligations on access on the concrete services market.

Russia will lose the opportunity to carry out the independent economic policy.

Already now the economic independence of Russia is limited by more than 4000 international agreements, in which it participates. A number of these agreements (for example, the Agreement on partnership and cooperation with EU) contain the direct references to the concrete clauses of the WTO agreements and obligations identical or comparable to the obligations of the WTO participants. On the other hand, the decision of the number of important macroeconomic tasks is unreal without using the international experience of other countries.

The participation in WTO will result in growth of the expenses of the federal budget.

The annual charges of the country on participation in WTO do not exceed $1-2 mln. (fees and payments).

Дата публикования: 2014-11-19; Прочитано: 209 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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