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Complete the sentences below

1. The term “сatatoxic reactions” means ………. protection while the term “syntoxic reactions” is used to define ………. protection.

2. Сatatoxic and syntoxic reactions are parts of any ………. process.

3. The ………. of many protective reactions on central mechanisms integrating reactivity is not too strong.

4. The effects of the mediators of inflammation within the limits of the inflammation ………. may be sanogenic; however, the effect s of their massive penetration into the systemic circulation are ………..

5. Mechanisms of reactivity are only relatively ………. and potentially pathogenic.

6. Ontogenesis is the process of asynchronous expression and ………. of the unfolding ………. programmes.

7. Individuals of different ages have different ………..

8. New born human at early stages of their ………. are more resistant to ………. hypoxia.

Unjumble the words below.










Read the task card below.

Describe the main peculiarities of ontogenesis following the plan: What are catatoxic and syntoxic reactions? What is ontogenesis? Why are new born human beings more resistant to acute hypoxia then adults?

9 Now, using the prompts from exercise 8 talk on the topic: REACTIVITY AND ONTOGENESIS.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 525 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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