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After that read the text aloud, trying to imitate the intonation. Resistance is a measure of the defiance of the organism to a certain factor

Resistance is a measure of the defiance of the organism to a certain factor. Unlike reactivity which is a qualitative property, resistance can be measured quantitatively. Reactivity is a full set of reactions the organism is capable of, while RESISTANCE is a concrete manifestation of reactivity. Thus, during hibernation, opioid peptides and somatostatin generated in the organism of an animal depress the activity of the hypothalamus and the hypophysis, and many manifestations of reactivity are depressed as well. At the same time resistance to different pathogenic factors (e.g., hypoxia, hypothermia, hypercapnia, infections, poisoning) is distinctly increased. Resistance cannot be universal because the nature of pathogenic factors is different. At the same time, some pathogenic factors are widespread, acting in many pathologic processes, that is why resistance to the factor of such kind is actually the ability of the organism to withstand a great many unfavorable factors. Thus, since hypoxia is the most wide-spread pathologic process always accompanying death, the stress improving resistance to acute hypoxia will adapt the organism nonspecifically to a large number of various influences. That is why the term “nonspecific resistance” is de facto an “anti-hypoxic resistance”. Resistance to hypoxia depends on the ability of the respiratory and cardiovascular system to bring oxygen to tissues, as well as on the capacity of the tissues to do without oxygen, i.e., to exist anaerobically. Resistance may be provided by the passive mechanisms of tolerance (e.g., barriers of integument, incapsulation) and active mechanisms of confrontation (e.g., phagocytosis, an immune response).

3Do the following statements agree with the information given in the text?


TRUE if the statement agrees with the information

FALSE if the statement contradicts the information

1. Defiance is the synonym of resistance.

2. Resistance is a quantitative property.

3. Reactivity is a concrete manifestation of resistance.

4. Resistance is the ability of the organism to withstand a great many unfavorable factors.

5. The term “nonspecific resistance” actually means “anti-hypoxic resistance”.

6. Resistance can be provided by active mechanisms of confrontation (e.g., phagocytosis, an immune response) and passive mechanisms of tolerance (e.g. integument barriers, incapsulation).

4 9 Listen to the following questions and repeat them. Mind the intonation in general and special questions. Then answer the questions and practice them with your partner.

1. What is resistance?

2. What is the difference between reactivity and resistance?

3. Why can’t resistance be universal?

4. Can resistance be measured quantitavely?

5. Is hypoxia the most wide-spread pathological process accompanying death?

6. What does resistance to hypoxia depend on?

7. Why is resistance to hypoxia treated as the ability of the organism to withstand a great many unfavourable factors?

8. By what passive and active mechanisms can resistance be provided?

9/ What is the difference between tolerance and resistability?

5 9 Match the words and expressions in column A with the words and expressions in column B. Then listen, check and repeat.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 692 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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