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B) Answer the questions on the text. 1) What makes theatre people superstitious?

1) What makes theatre people superstitious?


2) Can we explain the origins of all the superstitions?


3) Theatre folks aren’t logical, are they?


4) Do theatre superstitions have any charm?


5) What name should be avoided in English theatre? Which should be used instead?



6) Which explanation for the cruel leg-breaking wish do you find most probable?



7) What is the ghostly theatrical superstition?



8) How should one deal with flowers in English theatre?




9) What do superstitions say about props?




10) *What superstitions should be introduced to a beginning actor first of all, to your mind?



11) How should a first night be prepared for according to the superstitions?



12) Do theater superstitions have any sense?


13) *Have you heard about any other theatrical superstition? Describe it.





C) Retell the text.

A) Study the difference between the nouns play and performance

play – a piece of writing performed by actors in a theatre or on TV

Othello is one of Shakespeare’s best-known plays

performance – the action or an act of performing a play, a character in a play,

a piece of music etc.

His performance as Othello was very good.

All the tickets for the evening performance are sold.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 430 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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