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Role-play cards

1.A Two friends are sitting in a café. They look at the menu and talk about the shopping they’ve just done. They’ve bought some clothes and presents. They are both pleased with what they’ve bought. One of them has bought everything needed. The other still has some shopping to do. Roleplay the part of the person who is through with their shopping. 1.B Two friends are sitting in a café. They look at the menu and talk about the shopping they’ve just done. They’ve bought some clothes and presents. They are both pleased with what they’ve bought. One of them has bought everything needed. The other still has some shopping to do. Role play the part of the person who has some shopping to do.
2.A Together with a friend you are organizing a great party. Discuss the dishes, the things you need to buy and your outfit (clothes). 2.B Together with a friend you are organizing a great party. Discuss the dishes, the things you need to buy and your outfit (clothes).
3.A You meet your friend in the street. She looks stunning in a new dress and hat. You ask her where she has bought them. You don’t know that district well so you ask to show you the way. 3.B You meet your friend in the street. You are wearing a new dress and a hat. Tell her where you have bought them and give the directions to the store.  
4.A You come to the women's swear department to buy a new set of clothes. Ask the shop assistant to help you.   4.B You are a shop assistant at the women's wear department. A customer comes to you; help them to choose a new set of clothes.
5.A You and your friend are looking through a fashion magazine and discuss new trends and styles. 5.B You and your friend are looking through a fashion magazine and discuss new trends and styles.
6.A You are a mother who's asking her son/daughter to do the shopping. Make a shopping list and tell them where to get these items. 6.B Your mother is asking you to do some shopping. Ask about what, where and how much you should get and go shopping.  

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 453 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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