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Reconstruct the following situations into dialogues

1. You want to have a room reserved at a hotel for a friend of yours who is supposed to come in a day or two. Receptionist informs you that they are heavily booked. You are much disappointed and entreat him to help you. He tells you that he will try to do his best but so far can't promise anything definite.

2. You are at the airport. The customs officer asks you if you have anything to declare. You answer in the negative saying that you have only personal belongings in your two suitcases. He doesn't make you open your suitcases and allows you to go to the Passport Control. You thank him and walk to complete the airport formalities.

3. Mrs. Brill wanted to go to New York by air. She went to the agency and inquired if she could book a seat to New York. The clerk answered that they still had some seats available for the next day. So she paid for the ticket, took the change, and returned home. The next day Mrs. Brill arrived at the airport in good time to complete the necessary formalities.

4. A young clerk wants to spend his first three-weeks holiday traveling abroad. The travel agent advises him on the tours available for the season. He is looking for the package tour he can afford.

Travelling by air

1. Read and learn the words:

1. Customs hall таможенный зал

2. Customs officer офицер таможенной службы

3. passport паспорт

4. boarding card посадочный талон

5. captain командир

6. air hostess бортпроводница

7. air steward бортпроводник

8. (air) plane (airliner) самолет

9. fuselage фюзеляж

10. wing крыло

11. jet engine реактивный двигатель

12. (tail-)fin хвостовой киль

13. glider планер

14. helicopter вертолет

15. light aircraft легкий самолет

16. propeller пропеллер

17. runway. взлетная полоса

18. control tower аэродромно-диспетчерский


19. hangar ангар

20. flight полет

21. non-stop flight беспосадочный полет

22. visibility видимость

23. altitude высота

24. gather speed набирать скорость

25. cruising speed крейсерская скорость

26. taxi (v) выруливать (на взлетной полосе)

27. take off взлетать, взлет

28. land/make a landing совершить посадку

29. forced landing вынужденная посадка

30. fair (cross, head) winds попутный (боковой, встречный)


31. rock (v.) качаться (взад и вперед)

32. hit an airpocket попасть в воздушную яму

33. loop петля

34. spin штопор

35. wingover вираж

36. aircrash авиакатастрофа

37. hijack (a plane) угнать (самолет)

38. seat-belt (safety belt) привязные ремни

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