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4. Put in the article where necessary:

1. We are at…. home. 2. My ….. brother is not at ….. home, he is at …… school. 3. is your father at ……. home? 4. Where is your ……… brother? He is at ….. home. 5. I have two ….. sisters. My ….sisters are at …… home. 6. She has …. two children. Her children are at ….. school!. 7. My….. father is at …. home. He is not at ….. work.

5. Put in "a/an" in the sentences and translate:

a) What …… wonderful idea to meet at this restaurant.

b) My stepmother is ……. English interpreter at the ABB University.

c) Usually we meet once …. week after the lessons.

d) It is rather …… bad solution to get money in such …. way.

e) …. apple was damaged, I didn`t want it.

f) …. embassy is situated near our school.

g) Uncle Paul is ……. engineer at the Construction engineering Company.

h) What …… surprise!!!!

i) We moved 10 miles …. hour.

6. Put in a/the or - in the sentences:

a. They have a book. …… book is very interesting.

b. These buildings are situated on …… north.

c. …… Ivanovs are very communicative people.

d. It was …… best film I have ever seen.

e. …….sugar is very harmful in big quantity.

f. There were several shipcrashes in … Pacific Ocean.

g. ….. Euro is a strong currency.

h. Ann`s dream was to visit …..Paris.

i. My parents are at …. work, so you may come to me.

j. At this training coarse there is …. new subject.

Conversational topic: Healthy lifestyle.

Grammar topic: The Present Simple tense.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 403 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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