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Part I

School is the traditional place for acculturating children into our national life. In the modern age, the role assigned to our schools is to prepare children for the public culture. Some students like school, others don’t; but they all study for eleven years and gain knowledge by doing different tasks. For students who are doing well in most subjects and who want to get higher education, school is an attractive place. But those who are not successful at school, and who are always pressed by teachers and their parents, school is boring and uninteresting.

I think that the most important role of school is giving knowledge. I can say that my school gives such knowledge, and that’s why I’m happy at school. Most of my teachers have a lot of teaching experience; they understand very well the difficulties of the learning process. They help us to learn all subjects well. They also guide us and advice us on all aspects of our study and life. They share their knowledge and experience with us, and we respond with love. Your parents should understand you and help you when you need their help. My parents usually help and support me when I need it. We have our school psychologist who also helps us to overcome difficulties and cope with our problems. The main purpose of our school is to create a supportive and caring atmosphere for students.

The standard of education in our school is very high. I’m rather a good student really. I don’t have many problems with the work; but I usually get into trouble for talking, especially when I speak at the same time as the teacher. However, I generally get on quite well with the teachers. I am quite successful in class and I usually go to school with pleasure, because I like my school and my teachers.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 357 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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