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Ex.1.Read the text

That September Ted had entered the State (here штат) University as a freshman in the college of Arts and Sciences. The University was only fifteen miles from Lenith, and Ted often came down for the weekend. Babbitt was worried. Ted was “going in for” everything but books. He had tried “to make” the football team, he was looking forward to the basketball season, he was on the Committee for the Freshman Dance. But of his studies Babbitt could learn nothing save “Oh God, these old teachers just give you a lot of junk about literature and economics”.

One weekend Ted proposed: “Say, Dad, why can’t I transfer over (перевестись) from the college to the School of Engineering (техническое училище)? You always say that I never study, but honest, I would study there!” “No, the Engineering School hasn’t got the standing (репутация) the College has, “Babbitt objected. “I’d like to know how it hasn’t! The engineers can only play on any of the teams!”

All first and second year students must do physical training, but in their senior years it is optional. If a student wants to take up sports in his free time he is trained by good coaches (тренер) in well-equipped stadiums, and gyms, and on good sports grounds. Each college and university has its own sport club, which is part of a national student sports society.

Altogether 49 sports are practiced at students’ sport clubs.

The most popular are: track-and-field athletics (легкая атлетика),

skiing, volleyball, basketball, gymnastics and swimming.

Ex.2. Why didn’t Ted’s father allow him to transfer to the School of Engineering?

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 422 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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