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Ex.2.Answer the following questions

1. What made you choose Eurasian University rather than another higher

educational institution? Give your reasons.

2. What disciplines are studied at your faculty?

3. How is a student's work organized? Who are they supervised by?

4. How are the necessary qualities of a university graduate?

5. How do our universities meet these needs?

6. What else besides knowledge in the chosen field does the university provide for the students?

7. What are the advantages and disadvantages of working at the library, at a hostel?

8. What forms of extracurricular activities are organized at the university now?

Ex.3.Have a talk about your student’s life. Make use of the following questions. Work in pairs.

1. Who do you talk about your problems to?

2. Is it easy for students to earn money?

3. Have you ever tried to get a job?

4. Would you like to have more money? How could you earn it?

5. Do you earn pocket money or ask it from your parents?

6. How do you choose your friends?

7. Do you spend much time with your friends or with your family?

8. Round table discussion between the representatives of government and youth organizations.

9. Writing a mini-essay about their impressions from the round table discussion.

Ex.4. Make a report to the theme: The Gumilyov Eurasian National University.

Ex.5.Suggested topics for composition:

Problems of students' life.

Is it easy for students to earn money?

How do you choose your friends?

Advantages of student's life.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 464 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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