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Higher education in great Britain

Практические цели: практиковать студентов в устной речи и высказываниях проблемных вопросов по теме. Овладение дополнительной информацией о cистеме образования Англии. Обсуждение тематического материала, поиск нового материала.

What are Universities For?

The primary and central purpose (цель) of the university is the search (поиск) knowledge and fundamental understanding in all intellectual disciplines and the transmission (передача) of that knowledge and understanding.

It has also been a function of universities to give to young people from a relatively (относительно) narrow age group (say 17-24) an education designed to develop their capacities (способности), more particularly their intellectual capacities, that is, the ability to judge evidence critically, to develop independence of mind, the ability to communicate, curiosity, reasoning power and factual accuracy.

The important thing on the one hand is to educate intellectually mobile (here гибкий) specialists capable of renewing and endlessly adapting themselves to new problems and, on the other hand, to organize co-operation on specific problems between specialists. To meet these varying needs, the most of universities divide their training into two parts: the first three years are devoted to basic education of a rather general and fundamental nature, and the last two years to specific research work, together with the preparation of a diploma paper. It tries, moreover, to give its students a civic and social formation which will enable them to be aware (осознавать) of the problems facing society and have a wish to solve them.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 542 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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