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Topical vocabulary. 1. to enter university поступать

1. to enter university поступать

2. to pass examinations сдавать экзамены

3. to obtain получать, приобретать

4. fierce жесткий

1. tuition обучение

2. expenses расходы

3. income доход

4. to last длиться, продолжаться

5. to do subject изучать предмет

6. to carry out research проводить исследования

7. to give a lecture читать лекций

8. to take notes вести конспекты

9. fairly довольно

10. to approve одобрять

11. fresher первокурсник, новичок

12. exciting захватывающий

13. campus территория университета

14. to persuade убеждать

15. entirely всецело

Ex.1.Suggest the Russian for:


2.to pass examinations

3.to obtain

4. tuition





9. to do research on

10.to do a lecture

11. entirely


13.to approve



16.to persuade


Ex.2.Match the words and phrases in column A with those in column B


1.adult вести конспекты

2. to approve территория университета

3. campus взрослый

4.tuition убеждать

5. to persuade захватывающий

6.exciting одобрять

7. entirely обучение

8. to take notes доход

9. income всецело

Ex.3.Find the required synonyms to the following words and phrases.


1. to enter university to get

2. to obtain to go to university

3. teaching to do a lecture

4. to last to do research on

5. to do subject tuition

6.to carry out research to go on for

7.to give a lecture to study subject

Ex.4.What do we call:

1.the money some students receive if they get a place at university?

2.the qualification you get at the end of university?

3.the name we give students during the first period at university?

4. teachers at university?

5. students when they have completed their first degree?

6.students studying for a second degree?

7.the study of one subject in great depth and detail, often to get new information?

8. the talks that students go to while they are at university?

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