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III. Name and explain two important elements of a crime

IV. Discuss the following statement: "Criminals need help more than punishment." Is the statement true or false? Give your reasons.

V. Look at this dialogue and notice how we report news items or stories we’ve read or heard. Make up your own dialogue about the crime you’ve read or heard according to the example.

A Did you hear about the burglars who rang for the police themselves?

B No. Why did they do that?

A Well, according to a report on the news yesterday, these two burglars went into a local factory - presumably to rob the safe and the first thing they did was to take the phone off the hock.

B That sounds a bit stupid.

A Yes. Well, they told the police they did it to stop anyone phoning while they were there. What they didn't know was that it was connected via a direct line to the police station in out-of-work hours and the mordent anyone picked it up. The police (down at the police station) could hear everything that was said.

B I don't believe it!

a.True! The police listened in to everything the burglars said and just went down and arrested them when they came out!

VI. Read the article and discuss the stories beginning each one like this:

A: Did you hear \ read about the man \ woman who …?

B: No. What happened?

A: Well, apparently it seems…

Burglar’s peg-leg alibi

A man charged in a Glasgow court with knifing a neighbour at a party pleaded: 'My false teeth must have cut his hand. They were knocked out of my mouth when somebody punched me.'

A far-fetched excuse? Magistrates have heard worse.

A Frenchman accused of stealing a horse from a stable near Paris said he sold it to a farmer to save racegoers from losing their money on it.

When a burglar was caught robbing a restaurant in San Francisco, America, he told the policeman he'd stumbled against the window, broken it, and went in to leave his name and ad­dress so the repair bill could be sent to him. He just hap­pened to be looking in the cash register for a pencil.

In Ontario, Canada, a burglar arrested with house-breaking tools said he need­ed them to mend his peg leg. And a woman in Dallas, Texas, said she put rat poi­son in her husband's beer in an attempt to stop him drinking.

A man, aged 88, driving a scooter without a licence in Durban, South Africa, said he hadn't applied for one because he thought he had to be accompanied by his parents.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 684 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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