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VIII. Explain the italicized grammar constructions in the following sentences

1. Policemen and policewomen today have to deal with very serious problems such as continuing crime, drug misuse, terrorism.

2. The duties of the police are varied, ranging from assisting at accidents to safeguarding public order and dealing with lost property.

3. The oldest police force in Britain is the Metropolitan Police, which

was founded in 1829 by Sir Robert Peel to combat crime in London, and from which the modern forces have grown.

4. The professional head of each regional force is the Chief Constable, who is responsible for all operational and administrative decisions including the actions of the force.

5. The Home Secretary and the Scottish and Northern Ireland Secretaries, together with police authorities and chief constables, are responsible for providing an effective and efficient police service in the UK.

IX. The word ‘police’ means, generally, the arrangements made in all civilized countries to ensure that the inhabitants keep the peace and obey the law. The word also denotes the force of peace officers employed for this purpose.

Which of the following actions can be performed by a police officer? Sort out the odd words. Explain your choice.

- to apprehend;

- to defend in court;

- to convict;

- to detain;

- to imprison;

- to investigate;

- to lock up;

- to safeguard;

- to plead guilty;

- to search;

- to seize;

- to sentence;

- to take into custody.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 474 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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