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Read the text to fulfil the tasks. As a result of increasing economic and political stability over the past years, the economy of Russia is experiencing a steady economic growth

As a result of increasing economic and political stability over the past years, the economy of Russia is experiencing a steady economic growth, which is likely to continue and to come along with a growing demand for energy and natural resources. The Russian economy remains among the most energy intensive in the world. Russia’s Adjusted Net Savings index falls far below the world and European average. Forecasts of emissions and discharges of major pollutants show that urban air pollution will remain a serious problem, while water pollution and drinking water quality will increasingly become a problem in the long run. The rate of land degradation and ecosystem fragmentation threatens security and wealth of future generations. In addition, Climate Change will pose new emerging threats to the population and economy in particular in the Russian Arctic and in the Southern regions.

Russia’s Ecological Doctrine and the Law on Environmental Protection were adopted in January 2002 and represent the governmental commitment to environmental protection. Energy security and food security are broadly recognized as national priorities. In addition, Russia is a party to multilateral environmental agreements and conventions. In order for Russia to fully realize its vast potential for improvements in energy efficiency and reduction in pollution, it will be necessary to eliminate the economic, structural and institutional barriers that currently discourage investors in these areas. With the recognition of development challenges faced by the Russian economy, there is an urgent need to mainstream the concept of environmental sustainability into political, economic and social agendas of contemporary Russia.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 359 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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