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Dieting is regulating one's food intake for the purpose of improving one's physical condition, especially for the purpose of reducing obesity, or what is regarded to be excess body fat. Dieting plans are based on the reduction of any of the macronutrients (fats, carbohydrates, and proteins) that constitute the major portions of food that a person eats (other than water) and that are necessary sources of energy. Energy deficits of 500-1,000 calories per day produce rather rapid initial weight loss owing to the early loss of body water, especially if carbohydrates are restricted. But, after the initial effects of dehydration, all the dieting plans produce a rate of fat loss that can only be proportional to the caloric deficit.

The following are some major approaches to dieting:

(1) Controlled dieting such as that directed by weight-control clubs and health spas involves programs that include education on nutrition, group support, specially constructed diets that provide adequate amounts of nutrients, and weight-maintenance regimens that are designed for long-term use. Although long-term success rates are difficult to determine, the dietary regimens are usually well-designed and can be counted on to provide proper nourishment even if weight loss is minimal.

(2) The so-called " prudent diet " is designed to control blood lipids and cholesterol for those persons at risk of coronary artery diseases. The prudent diet and its relatives stress a high-unsaturated fat content and limited amounts of sugar; they restrict red meat and stress poultry and non oily fish.

(3) " Formula diets," such as Metrecal, Slender Now, and the Cambridge Diet plan, provide for the intake of a minimum of necessary nutrients – especially protein – in liquid form. Many such plans are packaged with liquids to be consumed variously from one to four times a day; modified versions call for two liquid meals and one meal of conventional food. The advantages of such formulas are ritual and reduced decision making, and the disadvantages are that dieters learn nothing about eating habits because choices are made for them and, also, that the more restrictive of these diets (down to 300 calories per day) can be quite dangerous to the health. Restrictive plans should be undertaken with medical supervision.

(4) The low-carbohydrate, high-fat, and high-protein diets, which became rather popular from the early 1970s, restrict sugars and starches to a minimum by stressing meats, poultry, fish, and cheeses. The effect on the body is to produce dehydration; thus initial weight loss may be marked. Although calories are not counted, the usual caloric intake is reduced because most human bodies are unable to adapt rapidly to the marked change in dietary composition. The richness of the diet, in general, may produce dangerous effects related to the excretion of large amounts of uric acid and other nitrogenous end products and to the high saturated-fat content of the diet.

(5) High-carbohydrate, high-fibre diets promote the consumption of vegetables, fruits, nuts, and whole grains. Dietary fibre is a general term for indigestible carbohydrates that make up the cell walls of plants. The best of the high-carbohydrate diets are moderate in protein and low in fat and promise slow weight loss with exercise and careful nutritional consideration. Some plans, however, are so low in calories or so low in protein or fat as to be nutritionally unsound.

(6) Fasting may consist of skipping a few meals or going a few days or weeks without food (other than water and, perhaps, vitamins and minerals). Fasting may serve the needs of those persons with just a few pounds to lose, but it is not effective for obese individuals or for anyone seeking long-term weight control. Fasting can be medically dangerous.

(7) Diet aids – such as amphetamines, starch blockers, benzocaine, diuretics, and thyroid hormones – come in pill form and are intended to suppress the appetite or reduce stomach space. Many such aids – such as amphetamines – have proved to be dangerous, whereas others are simply ineffective. Over-the-counter preparations are ineffective in the dose provided (25 mg), though promotion for the product continues. The search continues for safe and effective appetite suppressants and for hormonal agents that may safely increase metabolic rate.

(From Encyclopedia Britannica)


macronutrient – питательный макроэлемент,

initial weight loss – первоначальная потеря веса,

a rate of fat loss – скорость сжигания жира,

coronary artery diseases – сердечно-сосудистые заболевания,

conventional food – обычная, традиционная пища,

starch – крахмал,

to count calories – подсчитывать калории,

fasting – голодание,

diet aids – вспомогательные средства в диетологии,

consumption – потребление,

to reduce a stomach space – вызвать сокращение желудка,

hormonal agent – гормональный препарат,

metabolic rate – скорость обмена веществ.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 228 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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